Chapter 22: The Accusation

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Y/N pov

Four days has passed after the 57th expedition, we were called to Stohess, both Erwin and Eren. We were lead by a convoy of Military Policemen.

Y/N: Mason-

Mason: Now.

Both of us stepped aside, and we were away from the view of the public. Mason is on my side once more, which is good for myself, we walked forward and saw two scouts in ODM gear carrying one extra ODM each.

Y/N: How's your ODM skills?

Mason: Rusty as shit, I haven't touch this in years.

Y/N: Still defending the MPs

Mason: We are to corrupted to even know what's right from wrong, so I really don't know. Hey, where's Elias's vest and Jason's glove?

Y/N: Gave it to Mikasa, the female may think I'm dead since she almost killed me in 57th expedition *Finishes putting on the gear* You ready?

Mason: Somewhat.

Y/N: Let's go Lieutenant.

Mason, me and two other scouts grappled onto the top of a building and flew 3 blocks to the right, we then saw four scouts trying to apprehend someone, we all tried to help, but I felt the same electrical surge, flowing out of nowhere, similar to Eren's I was only able to pull Mason out of danger, as he was the closest but the other two, I have no hope.

three days before in the messhall

Y/N: It's only another hypothesis.

Erwin: You could be right.

Armin: It makes sense, when I mentioned 'suicidal maniac' it reacted to it. She must've heard Jean said that before, and only the 104th remember Jean saying that.

Eren: The features of her face also matches the titan, including her nose.

Y/N: Plus, Hange, her weight matches the aforementioned killer of Sawney and Bean.

Hange: More reasons to capture her, and 'interrogate' her. 

Y/N: So, it's settled then, let's avenge Gunther, and the other scouts that she meaninglessly kill.

After an hour of planning

Levi: Erwin, Hange, Mikasa can I talk to you three for a second, in private?

Erwin: Sure Levi
Hange: ok?
Mikasa: Yes Captain

All of us left except for them four, I gave Mikasa a small peck on the lips before leaving them.

Levi's pov

Levi: Y/N could be a titan.

Erwin: What?

Mikasa: What are you talking about?

Hange: Yeah Levi? That's not very father-like.

Levi: Zip it four eyes, think about it..... what does he have that is not human?

Hange: Incredible hyper-sense?

Erwin: Interesting titan slaying technique.

Mikasa: *mumbles* hot and cute personality- *clears throat* extreme strength.

Levi: He also have regeneration, I saw it with my own eyes.

Hange: That explains his quick heal of his fracture he got-

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