Chapter 25: The Beast Titan

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Y/N pov

After a good 30 minutes ride to the castle, I noticed that everyone had evacuated the castle, I looked around and saw a horse tracks on the floor. Stepping off of H/N, I checked the floor and right they are going straight for the villages. I mounted H/N again and rode fast towards that direction. 

Miche pov

I separated from the group and give them time to gun it to the villages, I ride fast towards the titans, killing two before landing on the roof of a house, to see a titan with a hairy body.... What the fuck is that?... Then out of nowhere a titan lunge at me, I killed that titan and called for my horse, when I dropped to the floor. Before I could even get close to my horse, the hairy titan stepped on it like a bug

Miche: No.... No- *grabbed by a titan*

The titan put me in its mouth and I become scared shitless. I began screaming.

Beast titan: Huh? Hold it, don't eat it yet.

The beast titan spoke, I was frozen, the titan proceeded to bite my lower abdomen, I screamed once more in pain.

Beast titan: Oi, I thought I told you to wait *squeezes pure titan head*

I was dropped down and out of the titan and was on my knees, looking at the big hairy titan

Beast titan: Your gear look interesting, can I have it?

I couldn't speak but stare in fear, the titan just stared at me with a tiny smile, it was very creepy. It then grabbed me, I once again scream 

Miche: No! No!

Beast titan: We do speak the same langu-

Y/N: Graghhhhhh!!! *slices the Achilles heel*

The hairy titan dropped me and I dropped on my side, I stood up and say Y/N on his horse making a U-turn and he makes one again after getting distance, his horse then galloped towards my direction, the titan proceed to grab Y/N when he came closer, but before it could grab Y/N, he only lean a little to the right and avoid being grabbed by the titan by a lesser than a meter. When he was next to me, he grabbed my waist, and without slowing down, he pulled me up and I was in front of me.

Y/N: Miche get behind the titan, I'll distract that filth.

He then leaped backwards and grappled on the titan hand, the hairy titan tried to squish Y/N but he swung around in of landing on the hand, swinging behind the titan, he grappled between the legs and turns around to face the titan head on

Beast titan: You are one annoying fuck

I could see Y/N dumbfounded face hearing the titan spoke but instead grappled towards the titan's face feet first. Being paralleled to the floor, once he land on the face of the titan, he bends his knees and jumps off, this causes the titan to slap itself on the face grappled again, Y/N stabbed both eyes of the titan, pushing it down. He then jumped off of the titan. By this time Y/N's horse has already made a U-turn. Y/N then landed behind me on top of his horse

Miche: You didn't kill it?

Y/N: I couldn't if I try, he is evasive, and annoying as fuck. You ok?

Miche: My stomach is torn, but I can suck it up.

After getting far from the titan, Y/N and I switch places on the horse and Y/N places both hands on his H/N head and the horse became faster than any animal has, I gripped on Y/N lower abdomen to not fall off the horse. After reaching Wall Sina, two garrison soldiers ODM their way down to us.

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