Chapter 54: The Huge Leak

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Historia pov

Y/N can't stop smiling for the whole day, I was sitting at the dining table with the rest of the Commanders, Darius and Y/N, having a breakfast meeting. He decided to walk out to use the washroom. 

Erwin: *a little traumatized* I cannot be the only one seeing Lord Y/N smiling this past 40 minutes.

Pyxis: *hiccup* Oh I wasn't seeing things?

Darius: It is rare to see Lord Y/N smiling during his vigilante days, or even his scout days. To see him smile.....

Historia: You guys have never seen him smile that much huh?

Darius: Begging your pardon Your Majesty?

Historia: Ever since my posting to the Survey Corps, Y/N has never shown a hostile appearance, he was the friendliest officer ever.

Erwin: Odd, even before his friends' death in the 55th expedition, he never smile that much.

Pyxis: I don't think we have the same mindset on why he is smiling hard today.

Erwin: Sir?

Pyxis: It's obvious from his face that he just had-

Y/N: *walks in smiling* Oh sorry, d-don't make me interrupt your conversation.

Pyxis: *drinks his whiskey* 

Historia: *smiles back* It's ok Y/N, so... why are you so smiley today?

Y/N: *sits down* I just feel very happy as of now.

Pyxis: I'm sure you are Grandmaster.

Y/N: W-what does that mean?

Pyxis: *sips whiskey* Nothing sir, I chose the wrong words.

Y/N: Oh ok, understandable.

Nile: So, shall we discuss the whole Marley invasion?

Y/N: *mood changes to a serious face* Marley.....

Historia: *sighs* Way to go Commander Nile..... Nevermind, Y/N are you sure that we- I mean the 104th will be ready to go back to the war right away?

Y/N: Either way, we need to tighten up security, we are not moving back until three days from now, my queen, may I ask permission to create another regiment?

Everyone: Eh?

Darius: We will be a regiment in the military?

Y/N: The brotherhood is an illegal group of assassins, even under my authority, I still haven't get the queen's permission.

Historia: This means that you will be out of the shadows

Y/N: Don't worry, think of my regiment as the shadow regiment, mission that we undertake shall not be reported, and strictly confidential between us.

Pyxis: Ohhhh, not a bad idea.

Darius: I cannot disagree with the Grandmaster.

Erwin: However, you have to leave the Scouts.

Y/N: Yeah...

Historia: I shall grant your wish, Prince Y/N you shall be the Commander of your new regiment, do you have a name for it?

Y/N: Hidden Wolf Regiment.

Nile: Have you create the insignia?

Y/N: Yes

Nile: Alright.

Historia: Now we have two things settled, what action do we have to take if Marley attacks us once more?

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