Chapter 70: The Day With The Eldians

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Y/N pov

Sam: Where are you heading to, this afternoon?

Y/N: I found Eren

Sam: Oh, you're going to visit him?

Y/N: Yes.

Sam: I'll come with, it'll be less suspicious.

Y/N: Sure.

The invasion is coming closer and closer, but we don't know when it will arrive. All the known friendlies have joined the Allied Forces, if I have my number correct we are just slightly above 100,000 ground troops. However, I am optimistic about this, way I see it, an alliance is stronger than numbers. As we both walked to the hospital, we bumped into the warrior candidates.

Gabi: *gasp* Captain Cyrus good morning! *Marley salute*

???: What is he wearing?

Gabi: Well Zofia, he is the new Shock Trooper-

???: The team of Marley Assassins, who massacred the officers?

Gabi: It was necessary Udo!

Sam: News travels fast didn't it?

Y/N: Three days ago was a weird moments in my life.

 Falco: Where are you heading to sir?

Y/N: Patrolling around Liberio.

Gabi: Can we come?

Y/N: No

Falco: Why?

Sam: Questioning us, soldiers?

Warriors candidate: NO SIR!

Gabi: But I really want to patrol with the Shock Troopers!

Y/N: Tell you guys what, I heard there is a fare later, if you can get a warrior to follow, maybe we can spend a day there.

Gabi: Yes! Falco! Come on, *grabs Falco's hand* let's get Reiner! 

Falco: Gaaaaabbbbiiiii.........

Sam: Why would you do that?

Y/N: *stretches and sighs* Last time to have fun.

Sam: Are you okay?

Y/N: Yeah, couldn't sleep well yesterday.

Sam: You really miss her huh?

Y/N: Yep, Sam, have you ever thinking of being the Grandmaster?

Sam: What, me? Sometimes.

Y/N: *nods* Alright.

As we walk towards the hospital, we both entered the hospital and received some stares by the nurses. As we walk forward to the backyard, we spotted Eren sitting down alone, once he saw me, he didn't change any expression, don't want to take any chances, I walk towards Eren without changing my characteristic, I walk to him and spoke first.

Y/N: Mr Krueger? 

Eren: Yes, third floor, fifth window.

When he said that, I used my attribute and felt a movement from Zeke. He was staring at us, not wanting to blow my identity, I immediately kicked Eren on the stomach, pulling him on the floor and kicked him multiple of times.

Y/N: Worthless, prick. *stepped on Eren's stomach* 

Eren: *tried to get my leg of, but dropped his hand pointing to a bush* T-there.

Sam: Captain Cyrus, we are here to patrol not to beat up Eldians.

Y/N: Can I not have fun?

Sam: Sorry sir.

A Jaeger Worth Loving (Mikasa x Male Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora