Chapter 74: Into The Fire, Part 4

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Minutes later, Y/N pov

Mason: Come on get in position!

I grappled down next to Mason and let the ODM gear drop off of me, as the scouts went to the back to refill their gas and ammo.

Y/N: We got incoming, at least 1000 out of the 10,000 Marley just entered the internment zone coming towards us!

Mason: How long my lord.

Y/N: Not long *explosion near Y/N* Scratch that!

Mason: Get ready *ducked down in cover*

Y/N: Use your semi-auto to our advantage! Wait for my command to open fire! *saw the defectors squad* Shadow!

Shadow: *ran towards Y/N and covers behind a debris* Y/N, here! * Yelena passes a rifle and ammo*

Y/N: Thanks, *puts the ammo strap on* Ready boys and Yelena? It a good night to die.

I crouched and aimed my rifle onto the direction the Marley coming in. Soon after I saw a Marley soldiers charging in, the leader carrying a Marley banner. We waited until a lot of them were in view. I shot the first round and hit the person carrying the banner. After he dropped, the rest opened fire, 

Shadow: Woah, wait- you designed that rifle!?

Y/N: *spamming trigger* Not a very good time to talk *ping* Fuck!

I reloaded my gun, instead of placing the side of my palm to the operating rod, I reload my gun, as if I am reload a Marley rifle and the rod slammed my thumb onto the chamber. It hurts really bad and I wish my precision healing is fast enough to heal my thumb.

Y/N: Ow fuck! *takes thumb out* Fuck that hurts.

Mason: *reloads correctly* Talk about irony.

Y/N: Oh Ha Ha Ha, *both spams trigger once more*

Not long after, I could hear more the scouts grappling above us, they were taking out the long range soldiers. Mikasa land next to me.

Y/N: Status Mikasa?

Mikasa: The scouts are trying to flank the Marley from the rear. 

Y/N: Has it commenced?

Mikasa: Yes. *ping*

Y/N: Then we should not waste time, Mason! fix bayonets!

Mason: Fix bayonets! Fix bayonets!

As we all fix our bayonets, Mikasa passed me a new model of gun.

Mikasa: Here use this instead. *passes Y/N a smaller machine gun*

Y/N: It works!?

Mikasa: Highly inaccurate if you spray it.

Y/N: Spray it?

Mikasa: A slang we use, meaning waste the bullets in one pull.

Y/N: Oh *bullet whizzed pass* Fuck!

Mikasa: *hid behind cover* Did you not felt that?

Y/N: I did! Bullets travels fast than I can react okay!?

Mikasa: Sorry.

Y/N: No, you don't have to *pecks Mikasa's lips* I'm still shaking.

Mikasa: *pecks Y/N's lips* How about now?

Y/N: Eheh-

Mason: Fucking stop being lovey dovey for once and- *bullet whizzed* Fuck! Fuck you! *shoots rifle*

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