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Josie walked around the school with Mason and Liam next to her, Liam's hand in her own as the Hewitt teen going in about some book he was reading.

Liam and Josie weren't a couple, by any means. But over the summer, the two quickly became aware of their liking of holding hands. And cuddling. And cheek kisses.

It was a weird relationship that they had and while Josie had voice to her sister how she wouldn't mind dating the Dunbar, she wasn't completely sure how Liam felt.

Sure, he would intertwine their fingers and he never pulled away when she pecked his cheek, but he's never made it clear how he felt about her. It was frustrating but (for now) she was content with acting like a couple until he came to his senses.

"This is the one I was telling you about. I got it from a rare book dealer in Germany. Cost me two hundred bucks, but it was totally worth it."

Liam sighed heavily as they turned the corner, "You're still reading about this stuff?"

"I was attacked by an armor-plated giant wearing a bear skull. It left an impression." Mason scoffed, shoving the book in their direction, "Look. Look. Have you ever seen anything like this?"

Liam glanced nervously at the Josie, "Uh, no. Never."

He didn't understand how she wasn't completely freaking out right now. Yeah, sure, she wasn't supernatural herself but her friends and family were apart of the world, he would at least assume that she was the tiniest bit concerned.

Unknown to him, Josie was freaking out.

But, living with Ryder for nearly her entire life, she managed to almost perfect the stone faced, 'i don't care about anything' look.

Her sister was a natural.

It's why when it came to lying to someone, she kept her mouth shut and let Ryder do all the talking, it's also why she hadn't said a word since Mason brought his topic up to them.

She knew she'd spill if she did.

"And then there's this whole section about the Nagual. Have you ever heard of the name Tezcat...?"

"Tezcatlipoca." Liam said for him, earning a look in response, "No. No, never heard of him."

The trio walked into their history class, which happened to be getting taught by Kira's father, Ken.

"Take your seats, everyone."

Liam huffed as he noticed the only seat available was the one next to a girl Josie has never seen before, "Oh! Great."

"Liam, what are you doing?" She asked, brows creased in concern for why he hadn't sat down yet.

He glanced at her, "I'm not sitting there."

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