back to mexico

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"Yeah, sure." Aaron shrugged, shoving a Dorito in his mouth while looking over towards the living room.

"You're not sending our daughter off to Mexico, Aaron."

The man frowned, "Why not?"

"W-What the hell do you mean 'why not'? She's seventeen." Ramona scoffed, "No, Ryder."

"It's for a good cause, mom." The teen tried again.

"I thought you didn't like Scott." Ramona furrowed her brows, stepping past her daughter to move in the kitchen.

"I wouldn't say that I don't like him. I mean, I'm definitely tolerating his behavior any time we're around one another- but that besides the point. I'd be going for Kira, not Scott. But again- what's the harm in helping two people that are at risk of death?"

Ramona wiped a hand over her face, slamming it down on the counter in front of her, her marriage rings smacking the marble counter harshly, "Is Peter going to be there?"

"Why would he be there? Doesn't matter- I'm kind of hoping that he isn't." She scrunched her face, "If he is, then i'll probably find my way back home."

"Is Austin going?"

Despite her daughter's boyfriend being human, he was probably the only person aside from Derek that she trusted to make sure that the girl stayed safe. She knew first hand how Ryder would simply throw herself into a situation to save someone.

"He's asking his mom."

"Is Isaac going?"

The Lahey was a close second in people she trusted to keep Ryder safe.

"Yep. You know he wouldn't let anything happen to Scott."

"Okay." Before Ryder could rush out of the house, she's stopped by Ramona's voice, "Ryder, if you die I will kill you."

"But I'd be dead—?"

"Don't question your mother." Aaron cut her off.

"Okay." She nodded, "Got it. I won't die."

As Aaron and Ramona watched their oldest leave the house, they failed to hear the banging of their youngest sneaking from her bedroom window.


"How did you get a prison transport van?"

"I'm a U.S. Marshal." Braeden answered, walking around the vehicle to meet everyone in the middle.

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