25 :: 𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘪

720 26 1


Nothing to complain about, nothing at all.


MELISSA WAS RUSHING around her room, trying to gather her last few things that she would need for the night. It was her one month anniversary with Jess and he'd decided he was going to take her out on a proper date with proper food, considering that their previous "dates" had consisted of either going to the bridge and smoking or sitting in Luke's late at night when everyone else had gone home.

Jess had planned it all out and he refused to tell Melissa anything. This was going to be a surprise. The only things that he had told her were about how she should dress, and that was only after she'd pestered him for hours on end. She said she refused to be left in the dark when it came to the dress code.

"What if I wear a really fancy dress and then it's a date to, I don't know, McDonalds or something? Then I'd look stupid," she'd told him.

"First of all," he replied, not looking up from his book, "You never look stupid, you're perfect. And also, you think that low of me to bring you to McDonalds? Wear the fancy dress, some makeup if you want even though you don't need it, and shoes that don't need to be carried everywhere."

She'd complied with all of that, except for the shoes. The heels she'd stolen from Gracie went perfectly with the dress her mother had helped her alter. It was a dress that she'd found in a thrift store in Hartford with Gracie. They hadn't planned on buying it, but then Melissa had a vision of what it could look like and she couldn't miss the opportunity. Originally, the dress had been a strapless one, a sort of crisscrossed heart neckline with a flowy skirt beneath the bodice. In the thrift store, just a few feet away from the dress was a perfect translucent fabric with a twinge of purple with silver stars embroidered in the fabric and next to that, another of just the purple twinge. Immediately, Melissa bought all three items.

The minute she got home, she tracked down her mother and dragged her back home to help her with her idea. After their princess picnic party the other day, Jess pulled her aside and informed her that purple was his new favourite colour. That had resulted in a heavy make-out session against a tree but that wasn't the point. Well, partly. The point was that he'd been quite literally speechless when he saw her in that silly little Rapunzel dress, and the feeling that had given her was indescribable. She wanted to do that over and over again.

Lorelai had stayed up with her that night, making her vision a reality. The starry fabric was sewn into just where the bodice met the skirt. Lorelai had sewn it in so it matched the flow of the purple skirt beneath it. They'd also made slight sleeves with the other purple fabric. The sleeves weren't long, they didn't even go to her elbows. But it was exactly what she had envisioned.

The heels were small, thank God. Her feet probably wouldn't have lasted if they'd been any taller. They were borrowed from Gracie and Melissa adored them even though Gracie detested them. They were purple to match the dress. They had a string crisscrossing half way up her calf to where she tied it in a bow at the front. Little purple butterflies adorned the string, looking just like the one on their cake the other day. Her toes were on show and she'd painted them purple for the special occasion.

Her makeup and jewellery matched the outfit too. Her makeup was how she'd usually do it for going out, except this time her eyes were purple. They started as a soft highlighted purple on the inside of her eyes and gradually melted into a darker purple on the outside. She had no eyeliner on, but the eyeshadow was sharpened off at the ends. Her lipgloss was a purpley-pink shade that matched her eye makeup perfectly. The jewellery matched the theme of butterflies and stars too. It was all silver to match the stars on her dress. Her ear was clad with earrings of stars and butterflies, dangling down to just below her jaw. Her other ear was simple but it added to the look completely. She'd left her silver nose stud in and wore a lone silver butterfly necklace around her neck.

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