🌴 - Phobia Factor

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It was dark at night, Owen stunk up our cabins after the party so we went to bring some things for the other team. Well, I only wanted to see Courtney. "What do you guys want? Come to rub it in? Well, I know Seraphina wouldn't." She says.

"We got some extra dessert after our tuck shop party. Want some?" Trent asked. Beth was holding green jello with a gummy worm inside. "So what? You're just being..nice?" Courtney says. "Well yeah!" I say, I know thats definitely a lie. "Okay...Owen stank up our cabin and we need some time to air out." Gwen says. Owen farts. "Ew. Dude!" Trent says.

Me and Beth go up to Courtney and offer her the green jello. "NO! I mean..no thank you. I'm good." Courtney says. "What are you on a diet or something?" Duncan says.

"Maybe she just doesn't like green jello?" I say. "Okay princess." He says and rolls his eyes. "Seraphina's right, I just don't like green jelly." She says. I smile and she smiles back.

Beth goes up to DJ and offers him the jello. DJ gasps. "SNAKE!" He chucks the jelly out of Beth's hands. "I could've eaten that.." I mutter. "Chill dude, it's just a gummy worm." Cody says. "Sorry for tripping. Snakes freak me out!" DJ says. "I feel you, chickens give me the creeps dude." Tyler says.

"Your afraid of chickens?" Gwen says. "Wow that's..that's really lame man." Duncan says. "Hey! Don't judge." I say. "What are you scared of then?" Duncan asks me. "I don't know...bats?" I say. "Fair enough." Duncan shrugs.

//We're all sitting around the fire and sharing our fears. Beth doesn't like being covered by bugs, Harold's afraid of ninjas and Heathers scared of sumo wrestlers. Who's scared of that?//

"What's my worst fear? I guess, being buried alive." Gwen says. "Walking through a minefield, in heels." Lindsay says. "Flying man, that's some crazy stuff." Owen says. "I would never go up in a plane. Never!" Izzy says.

"I'm scared of hail, it's small, but deadly dude." Geoff says. "Being left alone in the woods." Bridgette says. "Bad haircuts." Sadie says. "Oh okay I change mine! That's so much scarier than a minefield." Lindsay says. "That is nothing compared to a minefield." I say. "Having to diffuse a time bomb under pressure." Cody says. "I'm not really afraid of anything." Courtney says.

"That's so cool!" I say. "Yeah, easy when your a CIT. You've seen it all!" She tells me. "Baloney." Duncan coughs out. "Oh really? Well what exactly is your phobia, Mr. Know It All?" Courtney says. We all look at Duncan. "Celine Dion music store standees.." He says. "What?" I say. "Exqueese me? I didn't quite get that." Cody says. "Did you say Celine Dion music store stand-ees?" Trent says. "Ooo I love Celine Dion!" Lindsay says. "Me too!" I say.

"But what's a standee?" Lindsay says. "You know, that cardboard cut out thing that stands in a music store." Trent tells her. "Don't say it dude!" Duncan says. "Kind of like a life sized but flat Celine." Trent says.

"So if we had a cardboard standee right now.." Courtney says. "I like what your thinking." I say. We both giggle. "Shut it!" He says. "What about you guys?" Duncan says. "Okay, I hate mimes. Like a lot. Alright Courtney you're afraid of something. Spit it out." Trent says.

"Who says she's afraid of anything? She's just better than you Trent!" I say. "Nah, she's definitely afraid of something!" Trent says. "Nope! Nothing!" Courtney says.

"That's not what she said last night." Duncan says. "Duncan, did you ever consider I was just humouring you and your lamo story?" Courtney says. "Sure sure princess, whatever floats your boat." Duncan says. He better not be flirting with her or something. "SHUT IT!" Courtney yells. We all go back to our cabins to rest.


The next morning, we all head to the cafeteria. Chris whistles at us. "Campers! Your next challenge is a little game I like to call phobia factor! Prepare to face, your worst fears!" Chris says. "Worse, than this?" Leshawna pulls out a dirty lint roller. "We're in trouble." Gwen says.

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