chapter 19 ~way back when ~

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Mariana's POV
September, 2000

I sat in the living room watching the news. It was like 7:43am, I had a doctors appointment at 8:45
I was up early.

Everybody was still sleeping so it was just me, the tv, and my thoughts.

I never told ant about what happened with Eli, I felt like there was no point.

It wasn't like something happened, all we did was talk, smoke, and talk some more.

Eli needed somebody to talk to and so did I, so we were there for each other.

I took a deep breath and got up to go get dressed.

I grabbed a pair of jeans, a green shirt and a pair of sneakers.

I fixed my already straighten hair and then put my earrings in.

"good morning baby" I heard Anthony say giving me a hug from the back.

"good morning my love, how did u sleep?" i said turning around and giving him a kiss.

"I slept good, you got ur doctors appointment today right ?" he asked walking towards the door.

"yup, i gotta leave in a few minutes" i said grabbing a jacket and my purse.

I checked my watch and it read out 8:10.

"ur staying with junie today right?" i asked and he nodded his head.

"ok im out, i love you bye" i said giving him a kiss and running out the door.

I lived up the block from the hospital so I wasn't rushing to get there.

When i did get there I sat in the waiting room and waited for the doctor.

I hated being in hospitals. Anytime we were here it was always because somebody was dying, it rarely ever was about something good.

"Mariana Reyes?" I heard and I stood up and followed the nurse.

After a while it was just me alone by myself in the room waiting for the doctor.

I started thinking about Anthony, and how much our relationship has grown.

The memories of how we first met went off in my head.

Marianna's thoughts, years ago

I watched as he walked into class late everyday. He didn't have a care in the world.

He was one of those so called "bad boys" that had all the girls he wanted.

I knew i shouldn't have wanted him but i did, so bad.

It was the way he presented himself.

He had that edge to him. He had that spark.

His smile was the best feature. He had this sparkling smile, his eyes smiled too in a way.

He turned around and saw me staring so I quickly looked down and prayed he didn't say anything about it.

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