chapter 14 ~changes~

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2 Years Later
3rd pov

2 years is a long time, especially for people who left off at such horrible places with each other.

People with such animosity for each other, people who are in love but constantly hurt each other and much more.

So who do we start with? I say we go for Aaliyah and Justin, considering the last time you heard from her she was 6 months pregnant.

Nobody had really kept in touch after Selena's birthday party, so nobody really knew what was going on with her well, except for Xiomara and Mariah.

The whole situation was crazy, but they weren't going to shut out each other just because everybody else did. Especially since Aaliyah was pregnant and they knew that she needed all the help she could possibly need.

Aaliyah and Justin's relationship was all over the place as usual, though throughout Aaliyah's pregnancy Justin stuck to his word in being right there for her.

Everything was going so good for them until it wasn't.

Aaliyah went to the hospital for her normal monthly check up, and she was excited considering that she was about to go from monthly to weekly check up because she was a few weeks from her due date.

"um, Aaliyah there's- theres no heart beat" the doctor said looking into her eyes making her stuck and confused.

They had to do an emergency c-section to see if there was anything they could possibly do for the baby, but there was nothing.

The baby was born a stillborn and Aaliyah was broken. She couldn't be herself after that, it was like if apart of her was taken.

Justin and her's relationship really went downhill from there. She was different, depressed, angry, and miserable.

But he stayed with her, but after a while he started messing around again. He felt as if he wasn't getting any love from Aaliyah, which he wasn't but she still loved him with all her heart and he did too. But, he had such a horrible way of showing it.

Justin was hurting too though, he was so excited to have a son. He was so grateful that he was going to be a dad soon and then that all changed. He hated himself because he felt like it was his fault, he felt like if he would've helped her more than he did, the baby would've been alive.

Eventually Aaliyah got better, but it still hurt her. As well as Justin, he got better with the cheating and stopped because he realized that what he was doing, wasn't making anything better but worse.

Anyways, Now on to Mariah and Johnathan, we last left off where they were confused. They obviously liked each other, would mess around but weren't anything. No label, no nothing.

Eventually it became something, and that something became a relationship. They were to themselves though, nobody really knew unless they told others or they were seen out and about.

Remember when Mariah's mother was forcing her to go to the navy? Well, Mariah didn't end up going, she did end up going away for college though. She would go back and fourth between Long Island to Harlem, considering she went to Stoney brook.

Johnathan on the other hand stayed around, he went to community college. He also had to stay around to help with his little brother Jaiden, since his mom was really sick and his dad wasn't present in their life.

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