side noteee

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hey yaaa! it's me aydri. so ik some of it don't be making sense, especially the first 2 chapters butttt when i first started writing this, i was a let's say "fresh writer" which i mean i still am but ive learned quite a few things.

I think im going to start writing like this instead of in the middle like i usually do, but idk i'll see what ya like and don't like. (leave a comment on what ya think I should do).

anyways, imma start proof reading too because that also plays in a big part on why some of it doesn't make sense.

It's taken me a while to write this & please believe me when i say this, ive written this story plenty of times and it just never really seemed right for me to put out. so now, i've gotten the right mood of this book and im ready to finish it.

i honestly hope you guys enjoy it as much as i enjoy writing it.

ok bye for now pookies ♥️.

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