9 Eduardo

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Maura its nice meeting you after hearing about you all these years. Thank you. Earl Williams I am here on behalf of Eduardo Garcia Jr. family. We understand he died in jail. What did your autopsy reveal. I will identify the body instead if his family. He died because even though he had . 40 blood alcohol in him. He didn't take his heart medication. Heart medication I am his primary doctor and I didn't know he had a heart problem. It was a very recent per my findings. Thank you for the information. His wife and father would like his body to be released to Black and Clark funeral home in Dallas, Texas. I will contact them and make arrangements. Thank you.

I shook his hand and left with ten death certificates that I paid for.

Juanita, Eduardo and Manuel I informed Dr. Earl Williams of your request. He had .40 blood alcohol level in him. He was able to take his medication for his heart. Maura I didn't know. Juanita this was a very new new condition. I didn't know either. My son never told any of us. Mom we need to go the police station to pick up his possessions. Juanita here are ten death certificates. Thank you. I will write you a check for them. Here is the receipt too. Thank you.

We left to the police station. Eduardo calls his wife to check in. She is asleep so he speaks with Jesus and relays to him what he died of  and they are on their way with Dr. Bella driving them and they will return after pickup up his possessions from the police station since he never left there.

Dr. Bella thank you for driving us. Your very welcome Eduardo.

Manuel is calling their loved ones in Sacramento and Texas and informing people of  his death. He is not answering how he died. We could just hear him constantly state all that matters is he is with God. After his calls, Juanita and Eduardo along with us go inside to ask for his possessions.  Juanita identities herself and hands the desk Sargent her California driver's license.

He directs her to the booking area . We all go there and she again identifies herself and shows proof of who she is.  He leaves and returns with a zip lock bag. He hands it to her once she signs for it. Manuel catches his mother before she falls and faints .

I check her pulse and tell them she is okay but over whelmed. She wakes up and apologizes. We all tell there is no need. I ask her several questions. I  calm in a prescription for her. Once she drinks some water we leave to the CVS pharmacy .

Babe we were told the sad news. Ryan I knew he had too much but didn't think this would happen. We all were suppose to have fun for three days. I know Julianne let's be grateful they have the support they need. I agree with Ryan. Eric and I are giving them dinner tonight  at the hotel.  Graciela said thank you along with Jesus. I told Jesus he can have a week off with pay and I called Manuel to let him know too. They are leaving Sunday morning back to Sacramento. Juanita is going to buy a vehicle so the three of them can go back together. Mauwa is driving them there after they pick up medication for Juanita. She fainted at the police station. Maura said she is okay. Jennifer will check on them when they get home. Juanita is selling his truck. He apparently got angry before the left and burned Jesus angel flag that was in the garage.  Let's go meet everyone else  for lunch at the taco trucks.

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