Chapter 5

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Aldric was clearly thrown. Remmy had come in and completely pulled all attention to her. Now he couldn't get her out of his mind. Remmy was definitely something else and would be a handful in the future.

She had no idea what she did to him. His blood was in a fury and he continued to sweat after he had stopped training. He wasn't nervous, just didn't know how his body was going to react to her. She smelled amazing and now he couldn't escape the scent.

The first time he saw Remmy, she seemed so sweet and innocent. The way she had carried herself with confidence. He had become slightly distracted from his cooking and set off the sprinkler system glancing at her.  Her innocence had turned into mischief when she didn't cover her supple breasts that showed through her soaked white shirt.

Aldric had thought it was just a one time effect he was feeling, but with this second meeting, oh he was in trouble. The way her golden hair fell against her face in gentle waves made his fingers eager to run through the silk. How her fiery blue eyes seemed to see into his core. Her soft skin calling to his finger tips. The time they had touched his heart had stopped. He wished time itself would have stopped so he could be caught in the moment forever.

When she had picked the chime of love, time did seem to stop. She had perfected the sound by the second try. It was a sound he had not mastered and knew he wouldn't be able to until the time had come for him. You could only perfect the sound if you felt the emotion from deep in your heart.

If she had perfected the note, it meant she was in love or had been. He hoped like hell it was neither. Aldric couldn't imagine her being in love with anyone else. The thought of Remmy having her heart broke gave him a pang in his chest.

Oh this girl will be the end of me.

Remmy had continued her day in her room studying and investigating the book gifted from Aurora. As much as she tried to focus, her mind returned to Aldric.

She thought about what she had seen in the training room. It was clear he wasn't one of her kind. Her kind rarely boxed. Most didn't need to, they used spells and powers to defeat an enemy. The only other two kinds of allelomorphs allowed in their realm were the instinctuals and ceptuals. Remmy knew from school that the instinctual allelomorph tended to be more muscular, and prone to fighting and protecting. It was in their nature. She wondered what this would mean if they had ever gotten together. Mixing of allelomorphs wasn't really forbidden, but it was highly frowned upon. So much so, that couples in the past had been shunned and forced to live in the human world.

She never wanted to live back in the human world. The thought pulled up the memory of her parents and she quickly turned the thought over and returned back to Aldric.

There was something about him. He captivated her to say the least. She used her power to replay the memory of his lean muscle contracting in rhythm to pound into the punching bag over in her mind, watching sweat roll down his back caressing every curve of his hard body. It was enough to make a girl fan herself.

Above all that, he was almost charming. He didn't know her history so there was no pity looking back at her from his eyes. She saw something there she had not seen in anyones. She had no clue what it was but she wanted to find out. Her thoughts lulled her into a deep sleep.

Remmy's first class of the morning was on ethology. For most people it was not necessary to learn about other allelomorphs. It was likely a person might only come into contact with few outside their own, but the school thought they needed to know about all common allelomorphs to be able to protect themselves.

Remmy found this class to be one of her most boring ones. Unlike a majority of the students here, she had been outside their realm.

She had studied up the best she could before leaving the human world. She knew how dangerous other allelomorphs could be. It was one of the reasons she had sought out this school. Beside a first class education, they had a reputation of no violence.

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