Peace of Mind

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June 18th.1:45pm

24545 crescent view pl

A week had dragged by since I left Vegas, and true to his word, King was there, waiting for us. It felt like I was running on autopilot until King enveloped me in a comforting embrace outside the airport. That's when the floodgates opened, and I broke down, tears streaming uncontrollably. Security was yelling at us to move, but King stood there regardless, never letting go. I needed his strength at that moment because I felt so broken inside.

Unable to put into words the shit going on within me, I remained silent during the car ride home. Kai's nonstop questions grated on my nerves, pushing me to snap at her, unleashing a storm of hurtful words. Our argument echoed through the car, leaving an uncomfortable silence between us that continued even after we reached Kai's house. I knew I was deadass wrong, but the bridge mending that relationship seems broken.

These past few days, my body had been confined to my bed, replaying the events of that night in Vegas over and over. King attempted to stay by my side that first day, but my unresolved anger lashed out at him too, pushing him away. Despite my fucked up attitude, he returned each day after that, a silent but constant presence. He spent days with me in my room watching espn or playing the game just keeping me company despite my sour mood. Though I failed to express my appreciation verbally, I hoped he saw it in my eyes.

Sierra's concern manifested in nightly visits, checking on me as I pretended to sleep, my mind too on edge to face the dreams that danced around my consciousness. I spent hours questioning myself, wondering if I could have fought back, replaying the scenes, wrestling with the rage that surged each time the memories resurfaced.

My door creaked open, signaling King's arrival, a daily routine since I returned home damaged. Huddled facing the wall, the comforter shielding me, I felt the bed shifting as he settled beside me.

"You up, Rei?" His voice cut through the silence, and though I didn't respond, the tension in my body eased at the familiarity.

"You eat yet?" No response.

"You took a shower today?" Silence prevailed.

"You think you cuh shower fo me? I wanna take you somewhere," he suggested, met with a small shrug from me.

He disappeared into the bathroom, the sound of the shower starting, and I could hear him searching through my drawers for fresh clothes. I remained still, unmoved.

"Come on, Rei. I see what it is. I done dealt wit this depression shit all my life, an one thing I know is that you stayin' in here is only makin' it worse."

"I'on wanna be around nobody," I finally spoke, my voice raw from the prolonged silence.

"I know. It's just me and you, I promise," he reassured.

Love, Summer(boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now