Again as teacher.

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(It's a Saturday night, prince is sitting on his bad he was surrounding all the reference books.... He is staring at them one by one and keep thinking and getting confuse too suddenly someone knocked his room and he said yes )

Uncle : Actually prince... Oh woh wait.... That much study???? God so many books... Do you have any exam or what?

Prince : Uncle, no I've not, but I've presentation exam and I'm confuse from where should i start? Cause professor gave me only one topic on which i have to make presentation and present it in front of him and whole class, but one topic and for that I've five different reference books and now it making me confuse.

Uncle : To be honest i can't understand what are you saying, but i think your brother can help you, go to him...

Prince : Even i want to go, He's pro in presentation work cause He's working and in meetings he makes amazing presentation, but..

Uncle : Hm.. But?

Prince : I'm scared, He's so so so strict as teacher and i haven't studied with him since last three four year.. I'm extremely scared.

Uncle : oh.. I seeee.. Ok then do it by your self son.

Prince : Uncle you know this marks of presentation will be count in my internal exam so i want to give my best in this.
Umm.. What you think should i ask to bhaiya? For help?

Uncle : Yeh ofcourse you should he'll help you for sure. At least you should go to him once he'll clear your doubts.

Prince : Yeh he can guide me.ok then I'm going thanks.. Wait why you came here?

Uncle : Oh i came to ask you that, i want some stuff... And i made list, this shop is near from your college can you please get this for me..

Prince : Sure but on monday ok..?

Uncle : Yeh that's fine thanks.

(Prince got list from uncle put it in bag and immediately went to his brother )

Knock knock...

Prince : Bhai may i?

Vivek : Hey yes buddy please come.

(Prince saw his brother was playing game.. So immediately jumped on bed and sat beside vivek..)

Prince : No. No... Bhai go there.. Go there stop... You'll lose this game for sure... (He started to give instructions to vivek.. So vivek stopped to play and gave look to prince)

Vivek : Why you came here? Just to taught me how to play? Hun?

Prince : Hun? Um.. No no actually bhai i came to ask you that  can you please help me in my presentation work.. I wanted to do it by my own self but i don't even know how to start... Please help me.

Vivek : Hm.. Sure why not when you have to give this presentation?

Prince : on Tuesday.

Vivek : we have two days it means... Ok so from tomorrow at nine o'clock in morning. We will start, don't worry I'll help you

But yeh do you have any books.. Ok let's go to your room.

Prince : sure..(he got up and start to follow his brother.. As soon as vivek entered he looked at prince and asked with scary tone)

Vivek : what is this??First of all clean your room I'm waiting.

(Prince immediately start to clean  he was putting all the things in the right place..after fifteen minutes finally he completed)

Prince : ahh.. Finally.. Now bhaiya?

Vivek : oh so i was asking that do you have any books so we can get information.

My brother My Hero (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now