Part : 3

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(Vivek was lost... He was still thinking about krish's words.suddenly one sound pulled him out of his thoughts )

Prince : Bhai... Bhai.. Are you ok?

Vivek : hunn? Oh yes yes I'm.

Prince : let's go.come, let me drive just sit and take rest.(he said and smiled )

(Vivek was boiling in anger he wanted to ask him each and every question which was bothering him.. Which was running in his mind)

(They both went to the mall and bought all the things. And came home)

Prince : bhai... Are you ok? You looking tens.

Vivek : Umm.. No.. I'm perfectly fine.don't worry.. Umm call uncle there are too many stuff we can't take it all.

Prince : sure.

(He ran into the home)

vivek's pov
I won't forgive you both if you were hiding something... This time I'm done.i will not tolerate.

(Vivek went to his room and slept on bed, after sometime)

Uncle : prince call your brother, son dinner is ready.

(Prince ran to his brother's room and knocked.. After sometimes when vivek didn't reply he slowly opened the door.)

Prince : oh.. He's sleeping.what should i do.

(He went on stairs and said to uncle )

Prince : Uncle he's sleeping let him sleep.. He'll eat later.

(Uncle and prince both started to eat.. After two minutes vivek came down)

Vivek : you guys having dinner without me?

Uncle : prince came to you but you were sleeping son.. Come sit.

Vivek : umm Uncle and prince.. Can you come to my room after dinner?

Uncle : yes.. Why anything serious?

Vivek : no no.. Nothing serious..

Prince : sure bhai.

(Uncle and prince looked at eachother they both were talking with eyes...)

(After dinner vivek got up.. And looked at both)

Uncle : i have to wash dishes can i come after five minutes.

Vivek : yeh that's ok.

(Uncle and prince was so scared vivek's expression was enough to say that they are in trouble prince was biting his nails because of fear.. Uncle finished his work.. And came to prince)

Uncle : come...

Prince : uncle.. He found out About car maybe.

Uncle : don't be stupid... Act normally.. Otherwise he will suspect us.

Prince : he was so serious since evening.

Uncle : let's go.. Without knowing reality we can't say anything... For that we have to go to him.

(Prince and uncle came to vivek's room and Prince knocked )

Vivek : just come guys.
Sit uncle prince bring those chair here.

(Vivek was trying to sound calm.. Prince came with chair and set in front of vivek and both sat )

Uncle : Are you ok? Any problem?

Vivek : No i don't have any... I want to ask you something, to be honest i can't expect anything from you both.. But at least i deserves to know the truth... So prince..

My brother My Hero (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now