Part : 1

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(As we all know prince is such a mature guy, he's smart too.. But sometimes he just don't think deeply before do any thing... He just does that...)

Vivek : Uncle good morning... Where is prince?

Uncle : Good morning son.. He went to college early today.. He said he'll come at one pm maybe he has function only.. Not lectures that's why.what About you?

Vivek : umm.. I've already completed my college why should i go back?

(He said with evil smile to tease Uncle )

Uncle : Really? Over smart hunn? I mean to say aren't you going to office today?

Vivek : ha ha ha... I know i know.. Nope uncle.. I've some work which i can complete at home too.

Uncle : ok.. Good.. At least you'll get rest.

(At college )

(After function prince was About leave but suddenly one boy came to him..)

Boy : Hey prince.. (He shout his name from behind)

Prince : Yes? Hey hii..

(He's senior to prince... But because of some sport matches he became good friend of him..)

(He actually wanted prince's help.. He wanted to send one parcel to one man.. And That area comes in the way of Prince's house.. So he gave that parcel and that Guy's number who will come to get it from him)

Boy : thanks bro for help.

Prince : it's ok.. It just a parcel I'll give it... Don't worry.

(He put it in the car and got in the car.. And left)

(At that place... He stopped his car and called that man who said he's coming in ten minutes...)

(Prince was standing there, he saw some drunk people was walking here and there... Someone was fighting with eachother.. He was so surprised to see those people...suddenly someone called him so he look behind and said.)

Prince : oh... Hello bhai.. How are you?

(He saw vivek's friend Anuj... )

Anuj : I'm fine bro..... What are you doing in this area?

(He said while suspecting Prince ...)

Prince : Bhai i came to send this parcel to one guy.. He's just coming so i was waiting for him.

Anuj : hmm.. At this kind of area?

Prince : Yeh..

Anuj : strange!! Ok..what's in this packet?

(He asked Prince with serious tone)

Prince : i.. I don't know.. One of my friend of college gave me to send it so i came to give that guy he said he'll come in ten minutes.

Anuj : Have you lost your mind? Do you know how danger this area is?(he scold prince)

And how can you take any kind of parcel without knowing what's in it?

Prince : But bhai he's my friend.. So..

Anuj : ok.. I'll wait.. Here.. Let him come to take this parcel.

(Anuj was so worried for prince safety so he stayed with him.. He was so angry with him.. But he couldn't say further to him)

(After sometime one guy came to take parcel.. And looked at prince..prince gave him that parcel)

Anuj : hey boy what's in it?

Boy : you don't need to know bro.

(That boy smirked and went.. Prince was so confused he looked at anuj who was so done with prince.. )

Anuj : Go prince.. You can go now.

Prince : Will you tell this all to my brother?

Anuj : Yes I'll,why should i don't?

Prince : But what's wrong i did?

Anuj : you know what?... He'll tell you go to your home.

Prince : please don't tell him.. I won't come here again.

Anuj : Yes you won't.. I don't want to see you here anymore is that clear?Thank God i saw you here.

Prince : yes.... I won't, still you'll tell to bhai?

Anuj : Yes I'll tell... Now go.

Anuj's pov.
God! Look at this boy, here I'm so scared what could be in that parcel.. I hope prince will not get in any trouble.

(Anuj called vivek... And tell him the whole thing.. Now even vivek was so angry on prince )

Uncle : Vivek Please calm down.. Look, why should we think negative... He'll ask to that boy tomorrow in college .. He's his friend why would he put him in any trouble? Chill.

Vivek : really uncle? Do you know About that area... So many illegal works are going on in that area... Even police officers found  drugs so many times from that area.. Why he should go there first of all.. And without even knowing.. Why should he take that parcel.. Such a Idiot he's.

Uncle : You can tell him that with calm mind too.

Vivek : is he kid? Twenty year old guy can't understand that by him self Uncle?

Prince's POV
Why he was so angry.. I can understand i shouldn't be there. But can't i help to my friend... God he'll complain to bhai... I mean what's wrong in it? At evening ... He'll come like a volcano for sure.

(Prince came to home and park his car.. Suddenly he saw vivek's car)

Prince's pov..
Wait.. Is he at home today?.. Why??.. Oh Nooo... You must be have some another level of issue with me right (he said while looking at the sky)

(Prince came and opened the main door and entered into the house..)

(He saw his brother was sitting on sofa and was doing his work and uncle was doing some work there too..)

(Prince went near to him and he was trying to act normal..he sat beside vivek..)

Prince : Bhai... Are you at home today.. He he... That's good.. (He said and gave fake smile)

Vivek : Didn't you know About that area?(he looked at Prince and asked in scary tone)

Prince : Li... Little bit i knew.. B..but i don't wanted to say no to my friend bhai.

Vivek : is it good?

Prince : Bhai i just waited for that man outside.. I didn't went into that street.

Vivek : Still didn't you know that it's not safe..

Prince : i won't go there in future.really.

Vivek : Get up..
(He said while working on his phone)

Prince : please bro.try to understand i just helped my friend.

Vivek : prince get up, go in garden and stand there go...

(He roared at prince)

My brother My Hero (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now