Part :5

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[After Exam prince has a vacation of week, but since his brother is angry on him.. He is not excited for that holidays..]

(Next morning )

Uncle : Vivek... Your coffee.. Please don't read newspaper.. Drink it first.

Vivek : yehh.Uncle.

(Vivek saw time in his watch... It was 10AM.. Suddenly prince came like a cyclone)

Prince : good morning uncle.. Good morning bhai... I'm sorry bhai I'm late.

(Vivek start to read news paper... And said to prince without even looking at him)

Vivek : Maybe you forgot what i said yesterday... Either you wake up at 10am or at noon... I really don't care Prince I won't say anything to you. Don't be sorry.

(He said and got up )

Uncle I'm going, and if I'll have meeting then I'll be late.. I'll inform you...but if i forget then don't worry ok.

Uncle : ok son.. Bye.

(Vivek was expecting bye from prince as always but prince was just looking at him with sadness and innocently)

Vivek : Bye.. (He said to prince)

(Prince smiled immediately and said bye in reply )

(At noon.. Prince was in his room.. He is not watching TV...then his friend call him)

Friend : Hey.. Bro.. We all friends decided to go for picnic after all exam is over.. So tell me when should we come to pick you up.?

Prince : Uh mm... Sorry guys you go and enjoy... I can't come.

Friend : what! Are you serious? Please don't say that.. You have to come.

Prince : Bhai already upset with me bro.. I don't want to make him more upset.

Friend : just ask for permission.

Prince : Please try to understand.. You guys go I'll come some other day.

Friend : oh... Ok we'll miss you.. Bye.

(In evening vivek came back.. And suddenly he saw something that he can't believe prince was reading newspaper )

Vivek : Oh ho instead of watching TV someone is reading newspaper.. Why?

(Prince had Nothing to say in return.. He just looked at his brother.. And asked )

Prince : How was your day bhai?

Vivek : Ahh.. It was good... What About you what you did whole day..

Prince : nothing bhai.

Vivek : means...? What about your best friend TV?and what about your college friends..?

Prince : they went on picnic bhai?

Vivek : Hunn? Without you? Why you didn't go.. Now you don't even need my permission you can go wherever you want.. Right.

Uncle : (he came close to vivek)
Vivek stop... He is trying to change his self.. He already feeling guilty.. Don't taunt him.

Vivek : (he saw prince was about to cry.. And He felt bad...)
Ok.. I'm sorry prince i don't wanted to hurt you..

(Prince was not saying anything... He was just sitting there silently..but after sometime he went to his brother who was sitting on dining chair )

Prince : bhai... Can you please give me any book.. You have so many book.. Can i take?

Vivek : Ofcourse you can buddy.. Do one thing Go to my room.. And choose by your self.

Prince : bhai i don't have any knowledge about it.. Please choose for me.?

Vivek : oh.. Umm.. Ok let's go.

Uncle's POV
Prince really can't stay without his brother.. Such a kid he is...he can do anything to get his brother's attention )

(Vivek was showing him his all book collection.. And he choosed four five books for prince...prince winded his eyes..)

Prince : Bhai only one..

Vivek : (he laughed ) Ok take this... If you can finish it..then take other.

(Prince went to his room and start to read..)

Vivek's POV
Thank God at least my brother learning some good habits.. I'm sure this book will help him to understand that how can we evaluate our own self.

(Prince was spending his time with uncle and with his brother... He don't spends his time with TV.. And mobile and at night he reads book..)

(Next day was sunday.. They were having lunch..)

Prince : Ahh.. I don't want to eat it.. Uncle please make something for me. Really i don't like to eat it.. I won't.

Uncle : Prince please at least try.. You'll definitely like it.

Prince : no. Means no...

(They both were arguing and his brother arrived..)

Uncle : Vivek... Tell him to eat it.. Please see he is not ready to even taste it.

Vivek : I can't say anything to him uncle.. He can eat watever he want...Should i order pizza? Or anything else Prince ?

(Prince sat on dining chair and start to eat silently..)

Uncle : What the...!! God,i was trying to convince him.. But nothing happened..this kid only knows language of sarcasm maybe.

(Vivek smirked... And smiled while watching his brother..)

(It's like a fifteen days.. Since his brother scolded him.. These days even if prince do something wrong.. Vivek ignores him.. And prince can't handle it... He feel fustrate.. But after all vivel is vivek.... One day in morning )

Uncle : prince please be careful ok? There is a water in the floor..

Vivek : wipe it first ..uncle.. This kid.. I don't have trust on him..

Uncle : sure.. (Uncle went to get cloth in kitchen )...

Suddenly someone called Prince.. And his phone was on the sofa.. He ran to get that phone..

Vivek : idiot.. Be.. Ca...

(He was about to say.. But.. Prince slipped on that wet floor... And fell down )

(Vivek got up from the chair and helped him to got up)

Vivek : Are you ok?

Prince : yes bhai thanks.. I'm ok..

Vivek : are you mad... Can't you understand any verbal warning... Uncle just said that floor is wet.. Idiot.. Where is you mind hunn..? You were about to break your leg.. Can't you be more careful..?

(Vivek was yelling at prince but in return prince was Looking down and smiling )

Vivek : God look at him Uncle.. Still he is smiling really this boy is insane.

Prince : Bhai.. See.. You scolded me..

Uncle : (he was laughing so hard)
God prince..

Vivek : hunn?(he was clueless )

Prince : for the first time I'm feeling so good to get scolded by you.. I was missing it after all.

(He said and hugged his brother )

Vivek : Is he really mad?

(He said and start to laugh with uncle and prince..And again prince got back his real brother)

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