Part : 2

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(Today for the first time vivek looking so nervous, his mind is totally blank.)

Vivek's POV
I don't know my advice will help him or not but i should talk about it at night with him.. I should not ignore it.

(At dinner time vivek was ignoring his brothers eye contact.. But prince was looking at his brother while eating...)

Vivek : Prince please let me eat peacefully.. I'm already confused.

Prince : (prince start to laugh) what! Bhai me too.

Vivek : can't you focus on study.. Why you..... (He suddenly stopped..and took deep breath )ok sorry.. Let me eat first.

Prince : ok.. But then?

Vivek : (he glared at prince )PRINCE!

Prince : ok.. Ok.. Fine.. Let's have dinner first.

(They both finished their dinner..)

Vivek : come to my room after some time.(he turn his face to prince and said..)

Prince : Bhai again I'm saying you promised me you'll not scold me.

Vivek : Should i really help you?
(He move foward to prince )

Prince : Oh God ok sorry. I'm coming.

(After sometime prince knocked door.. And entered in his brother's room.)

Vivek : Come prince sit bro.

(Prince was scared his brother is like a volcano who can blast anytime..)

Look prince i really don't have any kind of knowledge about this.. But i thought about it from all the perspective..


Prince : And bhai...?

Vivek : You should not tell her that you like her prince.

Prince : Oh thank God i asked you bhai.ok I'll not.

Vivek : Idiot... Listen first of all prince, first reason we don't know if she has feeling for you or not.., second you said she is bold funny natured girl so maybe she spends her time cause she feels comfortable with you, and third maybe she spends her time with you cause maybe she likes to study with you.... There are so many reason prince we can't ask someone directly like that right? it's disrespectful..

Prince : i think You're right bhai.

Vivek : Prince that's the fault of boys if one girl spends time with them or... Talk with them with smile or with sweet tone boys start to think like she is interested in them.. Which can't be true all the time. Maybe she loves your company your nature.. That's why she is with you it doesn't mean that you can propose her... It's not good thing prince don't listens your stupid friends

Prince there is a risk if you'll propose her and she feels the same as you feel then it's great.. But if not.. Then don't forget that you'll lose your friend too.

Prince : Ahh that's true bhai.. I don't want to lose her friendship ...

Vivek : You should respect her as your friend prince and make one border Prince never cross that border with her.. Never make her uncomfortable or weird when she is with you. Since we don't know what's in her mind.. You can't do anything which can hurt her feelings, you both spends your most of the time in library so it clearly shows us that she is with you cause she can get help from you she loves to be with someone who can study with her.... Confident girls always so broad minded they can talk with anyone.. She is like that her thoughts can be so advance.. Just like you, maybe she became your friend cause your nature match with her ...?

My brother My Hero (Book 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora