Tired prince

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(After uncle left the room vivek gave scary glace at Prince )

Prince : Bhai i was About to clean this bhai..

(Suddenly vivek took one ruler from prince's study table )

Prince : B... Bhai.. I.. I was about to come bhai sorry bhai..

(Suddenly vivek hit him on his hand)

Vivek : What's wrong with you hunn? First said "i was about to study, Now saying I was About to Clean " when prince when? Do i look like a idiot to you? Hunn?
(He said with very angry tone)

Look at your room.. Such a lazy you are prince.. It's ok but, Today I will remove all your laziness by this ruler.

(He again hit him on his back with that ruler and prince start to cry)

Vivek : wait you don't have time to cry...

(Vivek Grab one chair in corner and sat on that)

You'll clean this whole room right now and yaa it should be perfectly neat and clean.. Am i clear prince?

Prince : yes bhai.. (He knows that if he'll not answer in words that ruler will come again)

Vivek : Start now I'm watching you do as i say..first of all Fold all these clothes and put them in the closet

Prince : Sorry bhai but i don't know how to fold.

(Then vivek got up with ruler and came forward.. Prince was like he is coming to hit him so he tried to defend his self)

Vibek : Idiot I'm not hitting you.. I'll teach you once how to fold.. Now look here

(After vivek taught him prince fold that all the clothes and put that in closet)

Vivek : Prince which kind of student are you look at your study table.It is the duty of the student to respect the book.

Put that all the books in book shelf and clean that study table with any ruff mopping towel

Prince's POV
Please someone save me from my brother Ahhhhhh... I'm done with this... It's so frustrating..

Vivek : should i come there

Prince : unn? No no bhai I'm doing

(He clean the study table and then waiting for next order ) now clean that dressing table..look at the mess..

(Prince start to clean without any words)

Vivek : Ok it's all clean now do one thing clean the floor with broom and then mop the floor I'm going now I'll come in five minutes to check it.. Do fast..

Prince : Yes bhai.(he nodded and said)

(After five minutes)

Vivek : did you clean your bathroom?

Prince : bhai please I'm tired I'll do it after dinner (prince said in a tired voice )

Vivek : Ok choose one thing..you want to clean bathroom right now or ten strokes at each palm.. Where is the ruler..?

(He start to find that ruler.. But)

Prince : No.. no bhai I'm doing I'm doing right now,,

(He clean the whole bathroom here in his room his brother sitting on his bed with ruler)

Prince : Bhai... I did all chores still you keep holding that ruler.

Vivek : oh.. Ha ha.. I forgot.. But one thind more prince when i entered in this room all the lights were on..we pays the electricity bill.. It's not free Mister. Next time be careful, is it clear?

Prince : Yes bhai for sure..

Vivek : (he raise the ruler just to make him scared ) Still bathroom's light is on but

Prince :ohh.... God you scared me bhai.. I'm going to Off that.

Vivek : prince we should help uncle in some work he can't do everything alone and here instead of helping him you're raising his work by all your stupid habits.
(He start to scold him in stern voice )
Can't you just understand he already feels tired because of this all work?
And also he told you to clean but again you ignored his words How many time should i punish you for this same thing hunn?
Should i use belt now?

Prince : Bhai I'm sorry i hate cleaning and that's why I was like I'll do at night. 😔Sorry

Vivek : And what About revision of that chapter... Now say I were thinking you'll do at night that too

Prince : (he lowered his head because of shame)

Vivek : Tell me... Speak up don't stand like a robot prince.. I hope you'll not do this again.... am i right?

Prince : Yes bhai I'll promise I'll keep my room clean

Vivek : and..?

Prince : I'll do every work which is given by uncle and I'll turn off the light before i come out from this room. Sorry for this time

Vivek : Prince because of your laziness.. for one week you'll clean the garden..

(Prince shocked because of that and he lift his eyes to his brother )

Vivek : (with scary glance)Is there any problem with this punishment.. I've my belt also by the way.. If..

Prince : unn.. Hunn.. No.. No.. Bhai I'll clean

Vivek : Good for you, and yaa from now I'll come to check you room anytime. Don't get in trouble again.

Prince : Yeh I'll keep it in my mind.. Bhai can i take some rest?

Vivek : after dinner Revise that chapter but.. You have test tomorrow.. Now you can rest.. I'm going bye...

(Vivek left the room... Prince is feeling so tired he fell in sleep immediately )

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