Part : 2

625 38 13

Prince's POV

It's been thirty minutes since i came here, don't know where is he..? I'm tired by standing here, ahhh this stomach... I'm so hungry...should i go down? No.. No.. He'll kill me.. I've to wait for him. Ahh it's hurting that slap was so harsh.. How can he do that he slapped me in front of somany people and for what..? Just for that stupid waiter?? I mean who slaps his own brother for any stranger waiter..? I'm so angry with him.

(After sometimes vivek came.. And his both hands were full... He came with food.. He cooked dinner for both of them.. As soon as prince saw his brother he ran to him..)

Prince : Bhai... Oh God one second let me help you.. Give me...

(Prince took it from his brother..)

Vivek : start to eat without any word.. I'm coming with water bottle.. I forgot it..

Prince : can i go? You sit.. I'm going.. (He ran.. Vivek put Both dishes on bed..and prince came back )

Oh so you were cooking...Why you didn't told me..i would have come to help you.

(He said while looking down..)

Vivek : Start to eat.... And yaa please forgive me... I shouldn't have slapped you there.

(Prince saw his brother was looking so sad.... And he was disappointed with prince for his behaviour too..)

Prince's POV
Is he angry? Poor my brother made plan to make me happy, i ruined it, still he cooked dinner..

(They both silently start to eat.. Vivek was busy in his phone.. But prince was looking at him.. They both have done their dinner..)

Prince : sit... Give me that plates I'll clean it. Just wait for me I'll be back in few minutes.

(Vivek looked at him and said nothing..he was so sad cause his brother accidentally insulted few people..he went in balcony to get some fresh air.. After some minutes prince came to his brother's room..)

Prince : Henn?? Where is he..) He looked around..) Oh....(he saw his brother and went to him) I cleaned dishes and kitchen too done.. Now you can scold me.

(Vivek turn around to prince.. And looked in anger..)

Prince : umm.. Ok.. Ok.. Sorry.

Vivek : come sit.. (He sat on bed and sait to prince.)

Prince : sure.(he was scared.. To sit beside vivek )

Vivek : Prince look I'm so disappointed with you this time.

Prince : But for what..? Bhai tell me honestly can't he be little bit more careful... How can he splits water on guest of their restaurants? Tell me isn't it disrespectful?

Vivek : Yes it would have been disrespectful, if he had deliberately spilled that water on was not intentionally, it was just an accident.

And he immediately apologized to you for that..didn't he?

Prince : Yeh.. He did..Sorry.

(He said and touched his brother's and but vivek took away with anger..)

Vivek : Prince you know when i was new employee in my company one day i got late because of traffic... When i reached at office my boss scolded me so hard. That time i felt so sad...cause i can't be late without any valuable reason right.. Still i got scolded by my boss and i couldn't even speak back to him cause he is the boss and i had to save my job..

Now he treats me like his own son so i made him understand that people can have genuine reason to being late sometimes.

Prince : yep it's true bhai.

Vivek : is it?

Prince : yes, i mean people can get sick while going office, can stuck in traffic, several reasons can be..

Vivek : But that day when that Pizza delivery boy was telling you his reason.. You considered it as excuse.

(Immediately that incident pop up in his mind and he looked down..)

Prince : But... He..umm..I'm sorry for that.

( vivek looked away and ignored sorry..)

Vivek : prince what will happen if that cleaning staff would not do their work for a month on roads..?

Prince : Hunn? On roads... Roads will become dustbin bhai.. You know people.. They don't thinks twice before trow something on roads and that dust.. Oh God.. We will be not able to breath because of that, it will be so dirty.. People can get sick too.

Vivek : It means those workers doing hard work just to keep clean our city. So we can stay healthy.

Prince : Yep..

Vivek : Prince then why you yelled at that aunty who was cleaning the street that day? I can  understand she didn't saw you and accidentally that dust went on your shoes... Is it such a big deal?
Now don't say sorry.please.. I don't want it..

Prince these all people who works, they are not working for us..they are helping us.. And every work is important, we should have equal respect for every people...

I'm so disappointed with you cause i didn't know that my brother will give respect to the people according to their status. I never raised you like this.

All those people who does this kind of works.. They must have some compulsion... That delivery boy.. That waiter, that aunty they all are working for their family.. To support their family financially. We should say thanks to them, we should not treat them like they are servants.. Instead of yelling at them we should say have good day, you're strong and you're doing good job. It will make them strong.

(Prince was listening his brother cause he don't had anything to say..)

Prince : Bhai why you didn't say that time when i behaved rude with that boy...? You should have slapped me that time.

Vivek : are you a kid? Today you literally made me lose my patience and that's why i slapped you.. You know i never even scolded you in front of any stranger.

Prince : I won't behave like this again. In fact I'll say thanks.. Please don't be disappoint with me. please.

Vivek : Oh.. It's ok.. Don't be sad I'm not angry or disappointed .. In fact I'm so proud of you that you realise your mistake.

Prince : yep i understood..

Vivek : good.. You can leave, go to the bed.

Prince : Good night bhai..
(He smiled at his brother.. And was waiting for his brother's smile..)

Vivek : Good night.. (Vivek looked up and smiled..)

(Prince conformed that his brother is no more angry with him.. And he went out side of the room)

(Next day prince went for walking with his brother.again he was so fast.. Meanwhile vivek was enjoying time and atmosphere )

(Suddenly prince saw that same aunty so he ran to her. )

Prince : excuse me aunty..

Aunty : yes son.?.

Prince : actually...i behaved so rude with you that day.. Please forgive me I'm sorry..

(Vivek was watching him from some distance and he was slowly coming towads them..)

Aunty : No no son it's ok.

Prince : Thanks for your hard work, you're doing good job, you're so strong.. Have a good day.

(That lady was so happy to hear those words.. She has smile on her face.... Vivek came to prince and hugged him with such a proud smile...)

Vivek : I'm so so so thankful to God that you're my brother buddy.

Prince : I'm too bro... Let's go home.

(They both start to walk towards home.. While talking with eachother..)

My brother My Hero (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now