Part :2

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Prince : yess...

Vivek : (he entered in Prince's room)... What the hell are you doing prince why there are so many books are on the floor what are you searching?

Prince : (he flinched because of his brother's voice ) Bh... Bhai.i was just..

Vivek : Yaa for what speakup... Is there anything stuck in your throat? Say... (He yelled )you supposed to be in corner but you're making a mess here?

Prince : Bhai I'm sorry, i really very sorry actually i can't find my test papers..

(As soon as vivek heard that his anger in on another level now)

Vivek : come again.... You can't find what your tests.. Prince What's wrong with you.

Prince : I'm sorry bhai but i don't remember where i Put that tests.
(Prince said in shaky voice )

Vivek : You forgot... Oh God you're brat and irresponsible too prince Really i can't believe you're my brother... Hey wait.. Do you remember once i told you like collect all test in one file, it means, you really don't care about whatever i suggests you.

Prince : It's not like that.. Bh... Bhai.

Vivek : Don't give me answer back Mr. (Vivek shouted in such a loud voice and  prince God startled )

You and your excuses always ready hunnnn?

(Prince again start to cry his brother scolding him and his voice making him more scared )

Prince give me your belt..

Prince : Bhai... Bhai... Belt? Bhai please.

Vivek :  i don't have whole day for you prince, do as i say. Don't even try to protest, you earn this.. You're in this situation because of your deed... So don't try to explain or waste my time.. Today uncle will also not come to save you. Give me the belt right now

Prince : Bhai I'm sorry it was not only my fault you know bhai even ma'am said that please bhai.

Vivek : Oh really? But according to my knowledge you were about attack on him with chemical.. He was just fighting with you with words but prince you choosed the violence,.... And for that you have to pay.

(Prince now really don't have anything to say )

Prince : bhai I'm accepting my mistake, in future i won't repeat this, please bhai forgive me please

Vivek : Prince you have two choice bring me your belt.. And if I'll go to take the belt from your closet I warning you you'll get double punishment.
(He said in such a serious tone)

(Prince really don't have any choice now, He went towards his closet and came with belt and gave it to his brother )

Vivek : Prince Tell me why you're getting this punishment?
(He sat on prince bed)

Prince : Bhai i fo... Fought with my classmate, ann.. And because of my an.. nger i tried to throw..chemical bottle on him, and i lost all my tests.

Vivek : Prince you know God saved you today, if that boy would have get injured... You would have ruin whole your career prince.. No body can give admission in their school after knowing that you attacked on one person with chemical

Your principal was so kind she didn't choose to kick you out from the school

Had you lost your mind.. Can you imagine that chemical can kill us.. And what About parents.. They both have trust on me.. That you're future and career is safe with me.. They didn't brought you with them cause they know here you can get best education, but look at your self you were About to end your career today... And you saying i should forgive you how?
(He is scolding his brother and his brother is listening him and crying in front of him)

Prince Why you both fought.. And you know you have to speak truth...

Prince : Bhai we both are partner but he was not helping me in experiment, whe  i told him to help me he was showing attitude.. So after some arguments i lost my control. I'm really very sorry bhai.

Vivek : humm.. I can understand it was not only your fault but still you're in trouble prince.. Bend over to that chair.

(Poor prince is now shivering in fear his brother rarely beats him like this and today he can't even say anything cause he know that he did wrong, so without wasting any second he went to chair and bent over )

Vivek : You'll get twenty prince.. Be strong try not to move it can increase this numbers of strokes.

Prince : yes bhai.

(Prince couldn't even say any word cause he is crying since one hour)

(His brother start to hit him... And his every stroke is so hard on his brother... Prince is crying so loud now he can't handle this pain he is not used to this )

Prince : please b ... Bhai... Pl.. Please it's hu.. Hurting..

Vivek : only five buddy last five.

(He said with soft voice and rubbed prince's back)

(After five strokes prince is not able to get up his brother helped him and immediately gave him tight hug )

Vivek : Heh buddy it's ok...please forgive me I'm sorry i made you so much cry today prince you're my best brother please in future never choose violence.. Please it's not good prince be kind with people.... I'm sure if you'll say with soft tone people will understand you, Fighting is not a solution, i told you this same thing when you were younger...

Prince : Forgive me bhai, i understood i did wrong.. Please forgive me.

Vivek : It's ok prince... I'm not upset with you now.. Please forgive me, that strokes was so harsh i know.

Prince : it was bhai.. It's hurting so much.. (He again hugged his brother )

Vivek : Prince, will you say sorry to your classmate? If i say you should?

Prince: as you say bhai I'll say
(He mummerd)

Vivek : That's like my best brother... Now clean this mess up and yaa from now be careful with tests, otherwise history will be repeated.

Prince : For sure bhai.. I'll be careful..

Vivek : Ok leaving now I've some work... You go and have some food uncle must be waiting for you.

Price : Bhai i don't want to eat.
(He looked down and said)

Vivek : You didn't even drink the water since you came from school.. And I'm not asking.. I'm telling you to go. So Go.. (He said is his deep voice)

Prince : Yes bhai I'm going.

Vivek's POV
he is not kid now but still he gives me same headache as before.

(After sometimes prince came to dining hall )

Uncle : Son sit here see all dishes is your favorite.

Prince : I'm already full with those strokes uncle.

Uncle : He will ask me prince please at least eat little.

(As soon as prince saton chair he hissed in pain)

Uncle : Ow son are you ok?

Uncle's POV
If he loves him so much then why he is like this... He is so strict with him but he is also not wrong. Afterall prince is his responsibility.

Prince : I'm ok.. Uncle (prince start to eat ) and then Went to his room to take rest..

Vivek : did he eat uncle?

Uncle : Yes... He just went to his room.. Vivek he couldn't even sit... Why you did that? Please be gentle with him sometimes. He is your brother.

Vivek : I feel hurt too when i see him like that but today whatever he did that was not acceptable uncle.. He is my brother i should teach him good manners with advice or belt doesn't matter.. I'm going uncle I've some work.

Uncle : sure....

(He left, next day prince said thanks to his ma'am and sorry to his classmate now they both are good friends, they both doing all experiments together.. sometimes vivek is so strict on him but for prince's goodness )

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