cuteness won

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(Knock knock.. )

Vivek : yeh prince come.

(Prince entered in his brother's room and went near to his brother.)

Vivek : Sit...

(Vivek put his phone aside and looked at prince)

Prince : yeh bro?

Vivek : Prince mom called me few minutes ago and said that i have to attend one little function, mom's cousin sister shifting here so she arranged one little party in her new home, since mom can't come she told me to go..but prince unfortunately tomorrow I've some important work bro, staff can't handle that work load without any guidance i have to go..

I'm requesting you... Can you please go there.. Please for me?

(Vivek knows prince hates this kindn of family functions, that's why he's giving his best to convince prince... Here prince just looking at his brother in disbelief..)

Vivek : At least answer me prince.

Prince : ummm... Bhai tomorrow is sunday and I'm free so that's fine umm.. Iiii... I will go.

(Those words immediately bring smile on vivek's face.. Cause even he don't like to go in any function, specially when that relative is not so familiar..)

Prince : Bhai, but i won't stay there for long time, those people will be strangers for me.. Isn't it akward?

Vivek : Ahh... can have some snacks, give gift to them meet them and then come back to home... Easy right..

Prince : no not at all(he immediately shook his head in funny way...) Anything else? May i leave?

Vivek : Yeh.. Hey wait.. This is the gift.. (He gave box to prince ) and you can go in Eight o'clock in morning.

Prince : hm.. Ok.

Vivek : Thanks bro.(vivek smiled and said)

Prince : You're welcome bhaiya

(He left vivek's room..)

(They both had conversation, so didn't repeat this while having dinner, vivek woke up early and just because he was about to late he immediately left after having breakfast and coffee. So about this all uncle is totally unknown )

(In office At 10 o'clock )

(Vivek and Arya were busy in making of the project slides on laptop, since vivek was senior he was helping arya and some other staff members... After finishing some work thay decided to take some break so staff gone out of the cabin and arya and vivek were having conversation.. But between that vivek's mom called him..)

Vivek : Hello mom, How are you?

Mom : How am i... I'm angry.. Vivek where are you.?

(Vivek got startled, she was yelling that much loudly that even arya could listen her..)

Vivek : um.. In o.. O.. Office.. Wh. Why?

Mom : what the hell..? I told you to attend that function and instead of going there you came to office? Vivek that's not fair at all I'm telling you.

Vivek : Hun? But mom.. Please cool down see i told prince to go there yesterday don't worry.

Mom : Really? Even he was not there... My sister was so angry.. She said i always makes Excuses

(Vivek's mom was so angry so just divert her anger.. Arya said hello to her in the middle of conversation..)

Mom : whose voice was that vivek?

My brother My Hero (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now