Prank on Prince

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(Today prince and his friends are making plan to go one new cafe... Which is so near to his school and his brother's office is just few minutes far from that cafe )

Prince : Guys but first let me call to uncle..

(He call his uncle )

Hello uncle... Today we have some plan.. We are going to one cafe I'll not come early today so don't make lunch for me..

Uncle : Oh ok ok go enjoy son.. Bye.

(After calling uncle.. Prince and his friend went to that cafe.)

Prince : Wow guys such a cool place right what a beautiful view...

Friends : Yes yes.. It's amazing.. Now guys we will come here everytime whenever we will get free time..

(They all are sat on one table... Prince and his friends are having such a good time together)

His one friend : Hey i hope you informed to your uncle cause your brother is scary bro..

Prince : He is not bro.. He was angry that time cause we bunked.. Here we came after our school so chill..

(After sometimes prince now got up from the chair )

Guys I'm coming... You guys order the food.. I'll be back soon

(Prince went to the rest room.. And came back but when he came back he has a huge question mark on his face )

His friend : Hey bro.. What happen why you got silence?

Prince : No no Nothing let's eat.. (Now suddenly his behaviour was change they all now leaving that place prince looked back in the corner and then He went with his friends )

(After come to home)

Prince : Uncle.... Uncle... Where are you..

Uncle : God prince please don't shout like that..

Prince : (he ran to his uncle ) uncle uncle i want to share with you something

(He said whole story.. And uncle laughed..)

Uncle : Oh c'mon son i already know that..didn't you know?

Prince : what you knew that..😳

Uncle : yeh he told me..

Prince : it's not fair I'm angry with you.why you didn't tell me then?🤨

(Prince stamped his feet angrily on the ground)

(Uncle laughing now so hard)

(At evening now vivek came... And prince was sitting on the sofa ge was watching movie)

Vivek : Hi buddy..😊

Prince : Hello bhai... How are you..?

Vivek : I'm... I'm perfectly fine why?

Prince : Oh yeh you will be definitely fine why not..

Vivek : Are you ok?(he is so confused )🙂

Prince : yes I'm just feeling like someone betrayed me..(he smirked 😏and said)

Vivek : who prince? What happen?

Prince : nothing bhai let it be.. Take some rest you looking tired..

Vivek : yes I've very important meeting today so that's why bro.

Prince : oh ho ho ho maybe you had very important meeting today right😑

Vivek's POV
This kid... Why he is speaking everything with so much sarcasm today? What's wrong with him.🙄

Vivek : Prince you...🤨

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