Chapter 20

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"If you don't get out of my face, you and I will have a problem." He says, I step further in his personal space. "It was yours wasn't it?" Those wheels took their time to turn. "You got her pregnant," I don't say anything.

"Just tell me where she is."  He lifts his head defiantly.


Cory glares at me, like really looks at me, it's as if his nolonger seeing his son. A hand brushes over his face. "She's my wife, who cheated on me with my son."

"I won't stand here and act guilty because I don't. However this was always haunting Olivia... don't involve the police, you can still undo what you've already told them. Please."

He steps away from me, heading to sit down. I don't follow, just watch him silently.

"When did this foolishness start."

"That doesn't matter, she ended things a long time ago, Dad."

He flinches like I slapped him in the face. "Dad." Shakes his head, maybe I should be more understanding, nah, Olivia is my focus right now even if she doesn't want me I still care about her and I won't allow anyone dismiss those feelings like they are nothing. "Ended things, yet you still have pictures of her." I can only imagine if he physically saw the said pictures. "Those police officers came to talk about the incident, apparently they caught one of the guys and they wanted the both of you to go and identify the man." He says in a low voice.

I am glad their is progress in the case hopefully this gets sorted out soon. However this is not the matter at hand, if Olivia isn't with tuem, that means...the sound of the gate being opened as me moving to the window.

"Great, now we can all talk." He leans back, crossing his leg.

The door was pushed open and Olivia rushes in. Her eyes make a quick work at me by the window before landing on her husband.

"So this is the reason why you want a divorce." He says before she can get any word in. My ears tilt up. "I should have you arrested."

"Go ahead, no one is stopping you, but just so you know the reason I want a divorce is because I'm tired. Tired of suffocating myself so don't sit there and act like this is news to you."

He gets up, the vein in his neck looking like it will burst. "But him Olivia, couldn't you find someone else." His voice vibrates through the room. I don't like the his hand is twitching. I maintain my position keeping an eye on him.

This news about their marriage is giving me hope, so she wasn't just pulling away from me alone.

"I wasn't looking,"

"Do you know how this makes you look?" He says a little softer, coming closer to her. She doesn't pull away, there familiar movements. Their bodies are stiff each afraid of what may come next but that intimacy that was once there is not mistaken for anything else.  "I know I wasn't always a good partner but this is a hard pill to swallow. And I can't believe I'm losing you to my can't believe you could do this to me."

Olivia doesn't say anything for a while. They just stand there eyeballing eachother. Maybe I should leave them to talk but then I would be wondering what their status is. I will just stand right here like they can't see me.

"I'm sorry it had to happen this way but I would never..."

"I know, that never crossed my mind but right now I don't want to look at you and i am not signing those divorce papers just for you to be with him. I can't and i won't" He backs away, looking defeated as he leaves the room without sparing me a glance.

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