Chapter 5

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"What you doing?"

Well damn she scared me.

"Trying to make a screen for printing." I tuck my phone away. "But it seems complicated."

"printing what?"

"Hoodies specifically, it's expensive for me to always take my designs to the printing shop"

"Is this part of your design?" looking down at my hoodie like I don't know what I'm wearing. How did she even know? "I so you sketching the design at one point."

Nodding to that. "It is, trying to practice as much as I can." Looking at the mess I made, makes me frustrated because now I have to clean up.

"You know ever since you got back, I haven't seen you leave the house much, won't your girlfriend worry?"

Girlfriend she asks. "No girlfriend, and my friends are all visiting different family members."

She looks around the place before landing her eyes on me. It's the way my stomach coils at her presence. That feeling of hunger that just make you salivate the moment you see food. "I'll leave you to whatever you are doing then." And Olivia is a whole meal.

"Maybe you can help me,"

"In what way?"

"You know because you are a photographer." She tilts her head. "That's like a form of art as well."

"So in what way does my help come in hand?"

"Well." stepping closer to her. "You can teach me one or two things about colours."

She starts to shake her head so I try harder to convince her. "the principles are not the same though." Well we can argue about that another time I just want to spend time with her. It's in these times that I forget she will be turning twenty-eight real soon. Her birthday is closer to mine; I should prepare what I will give her since I will be back in school by then.


"I wish could."

"Why not then?"

"Because spending time with you is a bad idea." She looks off to the side. "Don't stir the pot Spencer." She steps closer to me. "You had confessed to me about wanting to be more than friendly with me, so why would you think spending time with me is a good idea?"

How does she actually feel about the matter? Could she be feeling pity for me that is why she hasn't told her husband about our conversation. But then that wouldn't make sense, she's not the type to do that kind of thing.

"That was nothing..."

"If you're going to downplay it then we shouldn't be having this discussion." She turns, walking out of the garage. When I look up, she's watching me. "Maybe having a girlfriend will do you some good." Olivia chuckles and leaves.

I'm beating my brain trying to understand this woman.

My phone goes off, its Chris. Hope his returned from visiting the grandmother. Who am I kidding, he loves that woman.

"Spencer, my man." He calls loud in my ear.

"You sound hungry, what is it?"

"Man can you believe my uncle forgot to park the video game." He starts whining. "I love my nana but I can't, this boredom is killing me." He goes quiet for a while. "Listen..."


"What. I haven't even told you what I want."

"Which is a good thing."

"What kind of a friend are you."

"A good one, now go say hi to your grandmother for me."

With quick fingers I send a text, letting mother know I will be coming there for a few days. I make a jump for my clothes packing as much as I need. I must give myself time to think. Olivia is starting to confuse me. She says these things that I think she.... you know what, forget it.

I knock on her door and tell her that I'm leaving. Going to open the front door I remember not packing my charger, so I shut the door and walk back to my room.

While I am getting the charger I decide to get some socks as well. my phone buzzes and I start typing, sending a text to Chris. When I turn the corner leaving the passage I run into Olivia. "Oh sorry...." The words are swallowed as soon as I stare at her naked boy and I mean naked, naked. With no shame I kneel to grab her towel but hesitate to hand her the towel.

"I thought you had left when I heard the door open and close." Pulling out her air pods. "I was coming to lock the door."


She grabs the towel and covers herself.

"right," her breast and she is bare, not a single hair on her pubic bone. The air in my lungs was not enough to keep me afloat so I side stepped her and made my way out of the house.

The things running in my mind are making my head hurt. Every little sound she does makes me happy, the way she stretches when she's cooking or just laying on the sofa. There is nothing she does that makes my heart thumb. Beating so hard I think I can hear it. Like the rush you get when you're scared making it hard for you to breathe harder.

In the evening I got a call from Dad asking me how long I will be with mom. We talked a little and that's it, haven't heard anything from Olivia not like I was expecting anything. She's never once called or texted so maybe will talk about this issue when we see each other.

But what was she thinking?

I keep replaying the moment, Olivia didn't seem like she was in a hurry to cover up. But why would she do that, see it's not adding up.

Darnell walks in tosses a ball at me. He enjoys play soccer with his buddies down the block. I have been here since mid-morning and his just coming in.

"You sick are you good?"

"Yeah, what's up,"

He shrugs and removing his hoodie. Mom picks on the door asking us what we want to eat for dinner.

"Some sweet-potatoes some else."

"What about you, spencer?"

"I agree with Darnell." She looks at me like she wants to add on but decides against it.

"Are sure you alright."

"Yeah I am."

My phone buzzes and I pull it out just when mom calls me. Before I can respond Olivia's names illuminates on my screen. I sit up, fixing my shirt. Darnell chuckles and leaves the room. "Hello?"

There is a beat before her voice comes through. "Can you come outside?"

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