book 1 chapter 13: ambush in the harbour

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With Republic city under the equalist control, Hiroshi is giving a speech to a crowd at Republic city hall plaza.

Hiroshi: It is a glorious day, my Equalist brothers and sisters! Amon has torn down the tyrannical bending government! He has declared bending illegal, as he has the avatar on the run. Our great leader has a vision for the future. One day soon, bending will no longer exist and we will live in a world where everyone is finally equal! The United Forces are on their way right now to try and stop that dream. But we will prevail!

In the crowd, a disguised Korra, Mako and Lieutenant left the plaza towards Republic city park. The disguised Korra earth bends a boulder uncovering a pathway after the trio went into the pathway, Korra covered up the top so that no one would find it.

Korra: could you believe Hiroshi? 'The avatar is on the run' I'm not running from anything. Let's go back and knock some heads.

Lieutenant: I know that you want to knock some heads, avatar. But we can't make a move without the United Republic forces.

Mako: what about Josh's other allies?

Lieutenant: he's waiting for them to come with the United Republic fleet. (Leans towards the avatar and Mako) he has a little secret in hopes of turning the tides against the equalists.

The pair was curious about Josh's secret but he didn't want to tell them as its more than a surprise for both friend and foes alike. The trio arrived at a temporary safe haven where benders and non benders live in harmony. The park hobo welcomes them back from their reconnaissance. He served the group some stew.

Gommu: My associates and I heartily oppose Amon's so-called "Equalist" policies. We got benders and nonbenders living together down here, but do you see us fightin'? (Chuckles) nosirre

Lieutenant: true words can't be spoken. Have you thought of being a chef in the city? Cause I would love to be a regular customer.

Bolin: I can wholeheartedly agree with you, my friend. (Has a taste of the stew) hmm, This is the best-tasting street gruel I've ever had. Seriously!

Gommu: (offside) culled from the finest of dumpers.

Ophelia and Asumi were disturbed by Gommu's revelation, the two exchanged looks and spat out the stew. Josh and the lieutenant placed their bowls to the ground. The next morning, team avatar, Josh, Ophelia and the lieutenant went to the harbourside and waited for Ophelia's brother to arrive with the necessary reinforcements.

Ophelia: once my brother arrives with the reinforcements, we need to be ready to help in any way we can.

Mako: they're here.

Bolin quickly pulled up a telescope but had it the wrong way till he flips it round. Out the mist came a fleet of ships but something was wrong. The lieutenant took the telescope from Bolin and has a look at Yue Dawn Bay.

Lieutenant: That's odd. Where are the mecha tanks?

On-board the command ship, Iroh was thinking of the same. Under the water, a group of mines started to float to the surface of the water.

Iron: something doesn't feel right.

Suddenly, a mine was detonated and exploded against a United Republic battleship. Iroh immediately ordered his water and earth bending soldiers to detonate the mines. however, something catches everyone's attention as a squadron of planes appear from out of nowhere.

Bolin: how does Hiroshi find the time to make more evil machines?!

As the equalist aircraft approach the fleet in attempt to sink the United Republic fleet, they were shot down by high speed planes causing the pilots to eject themselves out of their planes.

Asumi: what are those things?

Ophelia: Telmarine fighter jets.

The jet squad that came out from the fog landed on a giant ship as a massive fleet appear.

-Timeskip to Amon's defeat-

Josh thanked his friend, Admiral Valentine for her help.

Korra: so how did you two know each other?

Josh: we met during a special event hosted by the supreme commander herself in a celebration of their anniversary.

Admiral Valentine: That's right. My predecessor, General Finnegan was my best friend before he retired. (To Josh) if you need anything else, Don't hesitate to contact us.

Josh: I'll be sure to do that.

Everyone is at the southern water tribe where they were waiting on Katara to restore Korra's bending.

Josh: how is she?

Katara: I've tried everything in my power. regrettably, I cannot restore Korra's bending.

Lin: but you're the best healer in the world, surely you must do something.

Katara: I'm sorry but there's nothing else I can do. Korra still has her air bending but her connection to the other elements has been severed.

The group including the former equalist lieutenant looked disappointed with the news. Tenzin tried to reassure Korra but she needed time to herself. Mako confess his love to Korra and was turned down when Korra left.

Josh: I think that it's best to give her time, Mako. Eventually, She'll come round.

Mako: you think so?

Josh: absolutely.

After she had her bending fully restored, Korra also restores Lin's bending as well. Proud of the avatar, Ophelia did something unexpected by giving Josh a kiss on the cheek.

End of book 1.

The story continues in book 2, chapter 1: glacier festival

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