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          I'm a coward. I had the chance to give her the art piece I worked on all night but I blew my shot. If I just had taken it out and given it to her everything would be different. She'd probably be here beside me, coming with me to a party and meeting my sister.

          I'm a fuck up. Always has been, always will be. It's what I do. I destroy everything I touch. It's probably the only thing I'm good at these days.

          I place the picture back in my pocket after looking at it with regret. Maybe one day in the future I'll give it to her.

          The passenger door opens and Alex comes in while Jace comes in through the back. Jace gives me eye contact and immediately starts to hold back a laugh. Alex shakes his head and looks forward.

          "What?" I ask.

          "Dude you're not going to like what I'm about to say."

          "Spit it out." I harden my facial expression.

          "I have a class with Valerie, so I decided to help you out and look after her in that class. Good thing I did by the way," Jace was trying to beat around the bush. "When I stayed back a little I saw Daniel McCarthy trying to flirt with your girl. He was complimenting her and everything."

          I felt my knuckles turn white as I squeezed my hands into fists. Daniel McCarthy has a thing for making disrespectful reputations for women. He sees a girl that's pretty and tries to pray on them. A lot of girls fell for that and ended up being the talk of school the next day. Everyone lets it slide because he's attractive and popular.

          I fucking refuse for him to do that to my girl.

          "Sounds like we have to go teach someone a lesson for trying to mess with my girl boys." The thoughts in my head turn sinister and I feel myself turn more unhinged by the second. Call me crazy. I don't care, I'm crazy for her. She's mine, not his.

          "Knox don't be stupid. He's a rich spoiled kid that will most likely snitch." Alex tries to talk me out of what I'm thinking.

          "Please, you know we're richer and his word means nothing against ours." I remind Alex.

          "Oh I'm down with whatever. I was just trying to be rational at first. What's your plan?" He asks with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

          Alex might be the smartest, calmest, and most rationalist compared to Jace and I, but he cannot deny that having our type of fun brings out his wild side. The side he only shows us and no one else. The side we all have and try to hide.

          The taste of chaos brings out our most unhinged selfs.

          "It's a good thing we always keep our masks on us." Jace pulls out his mask and puts it on and we do the same.

          "You know what's one thing dear Daniel loves the most in the world?" I ask.


          "His car."

          I pull out a pocket knife and trace my hand while thinking of the car. The things I could do to it. I could carve so much shit on it, break the windows, spray paint anything on it. So much shit to do in one night.

          "You're wicked." Jace says.

          "Thanks for the compliment." I give him a wink.

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