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An alarm rings and I awaken. My vision was still adjusting but I could see the cabinets. Too bad I couldn't escape this place in my dream.

I put myself in a sitting position. Pure pain shocked my body. I look down and see complete bruises on both my knees. Not shocking at all. I wanted to cry and scream for the amount of pain I'm in but I know I have to stay silent. What if he is here? I won't give him the satisfaction of my whines and cries.

Just think of something else. Just think of something else. Just think of something else.

I kept repeating that over and over, hoping if I kept my mind preoccupied the pain would go away. A distraction really.

Come on, please think!

"I've always known your name."

That thought echoed in my head. I don't know why but it's stuck. I've never thought of Knox before but now here I am thinking of something he said to distract me. I don't know why it was so significant but it helped. The pain was gone, all of it, and all I could think about was the moment between Knox and I. The things he said and how he never removed my hand off his chest. It was painted in my memory.

It's weird.

I shouldn't think about him. We're nothing alike and I'm sure we'll never be friends. I'm too much of a "goody two shoes", according to him, while he wouldn't think twice about breaking the rules. It's who he is, it's what he does for fun, it's what he's known for.

I grew up watching him and his group break rules for fun. I've always wondered how that felt, to laugh about something stupid you've done without the fear of getting punished for it. To smile freely, to joke around without worrying whether you said the wrong thing or not.

No wonder why I've thought of him. I admire him. I admire his freedom. Hell I might even be jealous.

A phone rang and startled me. I pull it out and see Kim's name, my best friend.


"Girl where the hell are you?! Class is about to start soon." I looked at my phone and realized the time. Crap, she was right. I'm going to be late and I'm never late!

"I'm so sorry! I overslept. I'll rush over there now. Can you cover for me just in case?" I asked.

"Always." I sighed in relief. Kim always had my back in anything, which is why we're best friends. I would say she's like me but I don't have the courage to be like her. She says what she thinks, she doesn't let anyone push her, and she doesn't care about whether anyone doesn't like her or the way she acts. She's her own person. I admire her so much.

"Thank you so much. I'll see you there!" I hung up the phone, got on my feet, and rushed into my room to get ready. I put our school uniform on with knee high socks. I can't afford anyone finding out anything. The socks started the pain in my knees again but I couldn't stop because of that. If my dad got a call saying I was late, my knees would be the last thing hurting.


I finally arrived at school with five minutes remaining. I'm sure if I just speed past everyone I could get there in time for attendance. I kept running and running, breathing was getting heavier, and my knees were getting weaker. The pain in my knees was growing, hurting with each step of the way. I didn't care about that right now though. My only worry is getting to class on time.

If only there weren't so many stairs.

Each step I kept getting dizzier and dizzier. I had to stop here and there to catch my breath even when it didn't quite help.

𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐋𝐋Where stories live. Discover now