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Prim and proper, something my father has told me to be for today's dinner. We're eating with the Comello's today so my father can kiss ass for a promotion. I don't really care for dinner. I just sit there quietly, unless I'm asked a question. If someone does ask a question I glance at my father after answering to see if I answered correctly. If not then I know what will be waiting for me at home.

Thankfully the only questions I get are about school. Their son, Knox Comello, goes to my school and for some reason his father thinks him and I are close. I don't know how. Knox barely shows up to the dinners sometimes. I've only ever seen him twice or maybe three times but that's all.

Wouldn't blame him.

I look around the table and see an empty chair.

I knew it, Knox didn't show up again. I wish I could do that but fear always nips at my heart and I can't bring myself to do it. I have to obey, always. I'm pretty sure it's engraved in my mind to always do the right thing and do the things I'm told. I'm like a puppet doll with chains instead of strings.

It's quite tiring but it's better than the consequences of not obeying. Shivers run down my spine just thinking about it and it's not the good kind of shivers.

I take my fork and eat a couple of bites.

"You're a great cook Mr.Comello!" I must make sure to say that after eating each bite, especially if it's his food. If I don't then I'm considered undisciplined and rude. Which, according to my father, is an act that is not tolerable and needs to be punished accordingly. Therefore, I need to make sure I talk properly, I engage properly, and I act properly. My father's eyes are always on me whether it's just a corner side eye or not. He's always watching to make sure that I know not to embarrass him.

"Aren't you a sweet girl! You did good with her Mr.Lee. I wish my son was nice and behaved like your daughter. I swear my son is slipping more and more away from me each day. It's saddening really." Mr.Comello complimented me as he compared me to his son. I'm sure my father is cheering inside his head because Mr.Comello simply said I was better. My father started to smile, that's a good sign. Maybe he'll take it easy on me for the rest of the day.

"How is your son sir?" My father asked.

I know he doesn't care, but he'll do anything to get Mr.Comello on his side. My father wants to get on the power chain. Due to Mr.Comello being the mayor and all, he's considered one of the highest on the chain.

"When I see him he seems good in a distant way, but I don't exactly know how he is when he's not around. It's a shame really, I wish he spoke to me more. Speaking of that, Valerie, how is he in school?" He asked and my father looked in my direction.


I don't really know how he's doing. Although Mr.Comello thinks otherwise, we're not that close. In fact we've never really said one word to each other. To think we've known each other since our childhood but yet we've never socialized. I was always curious about him when I was little but I never spoke to him. I just figured maybe that was for the best considering we are way too different. He also didn't seem the type to socialize with anyone outside of his friend group aside from all the parties he threw with his friends and what not.

He always hung out with his two friends, Alexander Payne and Jace Avilla, that I know of. They have their little group called the Spades. Apparently they all have a certain card that represents them. Knox is the king, Alex is the ace, and Jace is the joker. Their group is known for troublemaking and destruction, no one stops them though. They throw parties, go to parties, I'm sure they even do "fun things" with other people. They're completely untouchable and popular.

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