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Everything the teacher is saying right now is going in one ear and out the other. I feel so unfocused and bothered. I spent the entire night tossing and turning and barely getting any sleep. How could I after Knox's and I argument?

I keep thinking about maybe if I stood quiet and just let it play out the ending would've been different. Maybe if I said something else instead of blabbing all of that the ending would've been different.

Jeez this is all stressful.

"Val? Earth to Val?"

Kim waved her hand in my face, waking me up to reality. Everyone was already gone and class was over. I must've been in deep thought for the entire class.

"I'm sorry. What were you saying?"

"Nothing really. You just seemed stuck in place so I thought you needed some saving."

I released a short giggle that made my core hurt. It was obvious that bruises were going to form but I didn't think it would hurt to laugh. I tried to hide the pain in my face but it seems like Kim caught on.

"You okay?" She asks. Her face turns overly worried, something I didn't want to happen. I don't want her to waste her time worrying about me. It's why she doesn't know what's really going on.

"I'm always fine. Don't worry." I plaster a fake smile on my face. She didn't buy that for one second however.

"Nope. Come on, we're going to our secret spot and you're going to spill it all out sister." Kim grabs my arm and drags me with her. I tried to protest but stopped immediately because I knew I wouldn't win with her. Kim is a fighter, especially when it's for someone she cares for and loves.

We got to our secret spot and sat down. She paused, staring at me, waiting for me to say something and go first. There's no point in lying to her either, even though the story is highly embarrassing.

"Knox and I," I gulped. This is hard to speak about. As smart as I am, I was played for as a fool. "We had an argument that ended extremely badly." I admitted.

"He didn't hurt you right?" Kim's overprotective side started to come out. I was almost fearing for Knox's life.

"No, not physically, never." I made sure to point that out. Knox is a jerk for what he said to me but he would never raise a hand to me. At least I think he never will.

It's kind of sad to admit this is the first argument that never turned physical. It hurt more than those arguments though. Us not being good, not being together, is bothering me a lot.

"So what happened then?"

Here goes nothing.

I told her about everything. Even the steamy parts which had her shocked. Talking about those parts almost left me out of breath. Kim and I have that type of friendship where there isn't the whole "too much information" such thing. She doesn't judge and neither do I. So I told her everything, except for the parts of what Knox and his father said to each other.

Even though Knox and I aren't on good terms with each other right now doesn't mean I'm going to tell his business.

I continued to tell her about what I said and what he said as a result. What I said seemed to shock her more since I'm not the type to usually fight for something. I can't even fight for myself. I just let everything happen, but I didn't want to do that for him.

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