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Knox just dropped me off and I couldn't stop smiling. My head was filled with images of what happened replaying back and forth. It makes me wonder what would've happened if we weren't interrupted. Desire builds between my thighs just thinking about it.

The way we were so close. The way his fingers felt inside of me. The way I felt, well before the interruption. I was willing to give it all up right there and then. It all felt so right.

The feeling grew between my legs. I want him so badly. I've never really felt like this before which is why I never really went far with others. I was willing to go far with him though. I'm really hoping he meant that promise.

I readjusted myself before entering my house. I should probably take a shower to calm my frustration. A cold shower.

As I head inside I see all the lights turned on. I don't ever recall leaving them on in the morning. Did I?

"Did you have fun?" A sudden familiar voice startled me. My father's voice. I thought he said he wouldn't be back until tomorrow afternoon?!

A familiar feeling twisted my heart. It was fear. I was shaking as I turned to face him. I was met with an emotionless facial expression but his hands were balled into fists. My inner voice was telling me to run, run away as fast as I could but I couldn't move.

"Studying is always fun. Just like education." I tried to lighten up the mood but failed terribly.

"Studying? Do I look like a fool to you?" He asked with no emotion in his voice. "You dare lie to my face?!"

My hands flew up to my ears as my father shouted. It was an old habit I did when I was little to lessen the loudness of his yelling. It felt like I was a five years old little girl again. The same little girl that would run but get caught. The one where I would hide covering my ears and head but still would be found. Each memory always ended the same.

"I'm sorry father." I pleaded.

I knew it wouldn't help but for some reason I always hoped he would take the apology instead of leading to violence each time. Sadly I always end up like the sad and disappointed five year old little girl in me that never got an apology herself.

"Your words mean nothing." He spit in my face and I just stood there. Tears came running down like they always did.

"Oh I'll give you something to cry about."

He fast paced towards me and grabbed a chunk of my hair then dropped me to the floor. He forcingly dragged me across the whole room by my hair. Pain surfaced on my entire head. All I could think about was how different it felt when Knox grabbed my hair. He was more gentle with me.

That memory became my distraction as a way out of what was happening right now. I just want to think about him.

My father stopped, let go of my hair, and started to kick me. Once in the chest, once in my stomach, once in my back, and a few times on my arms and legs. When he was finished I saw him look at my face. He was debating if he should kick me there too or not.

My eyes widened as he smiled cruelly. Before he would never harm my face because he knew he could get in trouble. Now it seems like he doesn't care. He positioned his leg getting ready to kick me in the face.

"No!" I screamed. "Not the face, please!" I covered my face with my hands. He didn't care though, he just kept kicking and kicking. My hands were getting everything my face would have gotten. I'm even sure by tomorrow they'll be bruised all over.

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