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It was the next day. My father was still not home and there was another message on my phone from him. It's always the same message, behave and don't embarrass him. No problem with that. I barely do anything. I'm just here existing at this point. That's all I've ever been allowed to do.

I think about that all the time, how we're just born with the parents we have no choice over. How they can easily change your life from happiness to depression within a few minutes. It only takes like what? Five minutes max? Maybe less? There's no telling when your life will change drastically. You're just forced to live with what you got.

I look at myself through the tall mirror. The bruises on my knees are still there looking ugly than ever.

I'm my own hater. I'm pretty sure the moment I started to hate myself and my body was the first time my father had ever laid a hand on me. Sure that was before the markings actually started to show but it was the same thing in my mind. I guess I thought my body was a sin that deserved to be punished because I always thought it was my fault.

That was until there was a lecture about abuse at school. I was only twelve when we had the lecture and since then I viewed everything differently. It was the moment I realized that everything happening to me was wrong. I wanted to raise my hand so badly and plead for help.

I didn't though.

My dad was still my dad and I wanted so badly to be daddy's little girl.

I never was though and now I don't ever want to be. I guess I just wanted him to say sorry for what he's doing but he never did. So I stopped wishing.

I sighed.

Just another day.

I packed up all my belongings, got ready, and headed out for school.

Fake it till you make it, Fake it till you make it, Fake it till you make it. A non stop chant I say in my head everyday. It's practically become a tradition for how much I say it.

I look at the time. I should put some pep in my step to make it to school. I don't want another incident like yesterday to happen again.


I got to school and saw a mob in front of Mr.Richie's classroom.


I walk forward and reach the door. When I look inside all I see is everything destroyed from the desk to the walls. There were words on the walls saying pervert, nasty, disgusting, and more. There was glass all over the floor and the desk was practically in pieces.


"I know right." Kim startled me as she walked near.

"What happened?"

"Rumor is that Mr.Richie had photos of female students and someone exposed him, hence the classroom."

A memory came into my head about when the guys told me about their plan. I almost forgot that they were the ones that did this. They did say that he was their next victim, however I didn't think they would find out something this big. I wonder where they even found the pictures at.

It's terrifying to think about honestly. If Mr.Richie did that, then what else has he done? I wonder what girls he took pictures of as well. Maybe the guys will tell me if I ask?

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