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We arrived at the tattoo shop. The guys and I usually come here maybe three times a month? What can I say, tattoos are addicting. My arms are filled with them, I have a few tiny tattoos on my torso, and I have two on my back. They all tell a different story. Some are dark, some are good. They're like painted pictures of memories you'd never forget as life goes by.

I watch Valerie's eyes light up as she gets excited over every tattoo she sees. It was adorable. You can tell she's never got a tattoo before nor has been to a place like this.

I walked up to her lightly nudging her shoulder so she'd know I was there. "You want one?" I ask. I don't know why but being here for her first tattoo excites me. At the same time I don't want to corrupt her but fuck watching her break rules, have some fun, and actually smile, really smile, so brightly is so fucking hot. It's even hotter knowing I'm the one making her smile.

"I don't know. I still have to think of a design and where to put it." She continued to look at the designs. "Do you know which tattoo you're going to get?" She asks.

I thought of it for a bit.

"Why don't you pick one for me," I tease. Her eyes widen and her cheeks turn a light shade of pink. I like the way my words make her shy.

"Really? Are you sure? What if I pick something girly?" She asked so many questions back to back and I chuckled. Even if she picked something girly I'd still get it.

"Just pick one. I'll be fine with anything." I reassure her.

She started going around looking at each tattoo thoroughly and carefully. At least I know she's taking this very seriously.

"You didn't even let me pick out your last tattoo." Alex crossed his arms looking at me. I knew exactly what he was trying to hint at.

"People change." I shrugged.

"Yeah they do." He raised an eyebrow and gave a half smile. "It's a nice change. You're getting nicer."

"Fuck off." I chuckle. "I've always been nice."

Alex gives me a questioning look while he tries to hold back a laugh. Fuck him, I can be nice if I want to. Sure I guess I have been an asshole for years. That's what happens when life decides to fuck you over badly. I shouldn't think about that right now though. I want today to be good since she's here.

"I found a tattoo for you! Now if you hate it then you can gladly say no. Here you go." Valerie comes in between Alex and I and hands me a tattoo sheet. The tattoo was the King of Spades card with roses on the bottom right corner and flames on the top left corner. It was the kind of tattoo I would get too. I can't help but smirk while looking at it.

"I thought you would like this tattoo because it represents you in your group." She was right. The guys and I came up with the whole card idea because of how much we played cards when we were younger. I took the King and called it my own.

"King takes all." I whispered the saying I always used to say when I was younger. Valerie looked confused but didn't pry any further. It was fine with me because I'd rather tell her the story later than now.

"Oh and the roses resemble your beauty," she looks down, hiding her blush, "And the fire resembles your warmth."

Her words made my heart skip a beat. I felt all gushy, becoming happy because of things she said. This is how I know I'm stuck on her, as I always have been. I don't want any saving from her either. I want to be stuck on her and only her.

𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐋𝐋Where stories live. Discover now