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          Lunch time was thankfully here. After the discreet moment between Knox and I it was hard to keep focus in class. All I thought about was his lips against mine. It was our last kiss and now there will be no more amazing makeouts and kisses for a long time. It almost makes me want to take back what I said.

          Knox ruined everyone for me. I doubt I did the same for him but he did for me. Nothing and no one will ever be the same.

          "Hey girl, how did it go?" Kim sits across from me with a huge smile plastered on her face.

          "Well I put my foot down after his apology. I made sure he knew we're just going to be friends from now on." I made sure to leave out the kissing part. Kim would kill me if she knew I gave in for a little moment. "He didn't use any excuses in his apology either. His apology was genuine."

          "I'm proud of you." Kim gave me a soft smile. "He's lucky you said that you guys can stay friends. He better not mess that up either."

          I agree with that. I don't think I got it in me if our friendship gets ruined too. That would be the day I just completely hide in a pile of pillows and never come out.

          "Speaking of the devil. Here he comes with his two besties." Kim's eyes pointed behind me and I turned to see Knox, Jace, and Alex heading towards us.

          "Ladies, this seat taken?" Jace asks.

          "Clearly." Kim answered with a cold shoulder. Those two must still be at it.

          Jace decided to just ignore her comment and sit right beside her. Bad idea, but then again it's Jace. He is the impulsive decision maker of the group from what I know. Knox sat next to me and Alex sat across from Knox. Chills ran up my spine when our shoulders touched, reminding me of how unfair this all is.

          "So Knoxypoo, did you apologize to your Blossom?" Jace taunts Knox with a wicked smile and my eyes widened. I forgot about how he might actually tell them everything.

          Before Knox could answer I jumped in instead. "Yes he did. Now we can just be friends without any hard feelings." In a way I guess you could say I made sure he remembers about our talk. The kiss changes nothing.

          I hear Knox groan in the side of me. He definitely remembers now. Jace looked like he wanted to laugh and Alex looked disappointed. I mean they are his friends so I'm sure they want the best for him. However in the real world it doesn't work like that. There's consequences to actions.
          I pause to that thought.

          Jesus, I sound like my father saying that.

          Aside from that thought, I meant what I said about being just friends. It helps create less problems, disappointment, and no one would get hurt. Right? 

          Oh wow, maybe I have a phobia of disappointment. Having a phobia does help make me more alert. I saved myself from a lot of hurt, but then again I'm not so sure about that even more. It wasn't really a long experience of what could have been. What if there wasn't really any of what could have been?

          I focus my eyes only on him.

          I would have liked to go forward with him and experiment. Some things aren't just meant to be unfortunately.

          Right now my thoughts feel like they can drown me. As a way to calm down I just stare at him. I admire his beauty, his perfect smile even though it was never whole, his dark eyes that hold so much feeling in them but never truly show. It hurts to look at him.

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