Chapter 11: Panic

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"Sit." Was all Mary heard when she stepped inside.

"And knock on the door next time...."

"S...sorry Milady" Mary bowed, and sat down.

The Mistress spoke up again "I didn't ASK you to talk did I?"

"N-no Milady, you didn't" Mary replyed, her voice shaking slightly.
She wasn't here for long, and she could already tell that this conversation wouldn't end good, if she messes up one more time.

"Well then..." The blonde sat down in her chair, opposite from Mary behind a desk.
"You haven't been here for three full days, and already broke several rules. Are you trying to annoy me?!"
Her voice grew louder at the end, making the Maid flinch slightly.

"No Milady I just-" Mary started bit got interrupted right away.

"I'm not finished yet!" The blonde yelled. "If you get this close to my brother again, i'll kill you!"

Mary only looked down, waiting for the countess to finish yelling.
"...and to that, how dare you walk around at night!? Don't you have any respect for the rules, in this house!? Explain yourself."

After Mary heard the blonde finish yelling, she slowly spoke up, figeting with her hands.
"I can't explain myself Milady. There was no important reason to break the Rules...."

"W-, you- , how" the blonde didn't seem to expect such an answer. Not knowing how to react.

"And when it comes to your Brother, I didn't mean to get this close, and i'll avoid him in the future"
The Maid finished, leaving the Mistress speechless at her understanding of the situation.

But still, the blonde wanted to know what was going on in her new Maids head, feeling that it wasn't the full truth on why to disobey her.
"Still. Noone breaks rules like that for no real reason, you had one and I want to know it. You've put your life in danger for it..."
Her voice was sofern now, but still holding a hint of authority.

"Its nothing Milady....I swear" Mary kept looking down, scared that she'd had to explain her feelings for the Mistress if she wouldn't let her go soon.

"Don't lie to me. I hate Liars" Juliet's voice grew stricter again, turning her orders into warnings.

Mary didn't even notice how her breath grew quicker.
She was stressed, stressed to find a good excuse to leave, stressed with the thought of having to explain herself.

Even if Mary didn't notice, the Mistress did. And her angry expression turned into somswhat worry.
"Look at me..."

Mary didn't even heard her anymore, panik and embarresment filled her head With thoughts. Blocking out everything surround her, including the blonde Countess.

She couldn't stand the thought to look pathetic in front of her, Breaking the rules for a simple thing like love and curiousity.
Especialy when the reason for these thoughts were the Mistress herself.

Who at the moment grew more worried, making her way from her chair over to the now shaking black haired girl.
Trying to get her back to earth.

Mary still couldn't hear the voice and orders of the Mistress...
The only thing that brought her back to reality, was the soft touch on her shoulder, where the blondes delicate hands touched her.

The Maid blinked in confusion and shudderes at the touch that send goose bumps over her whole body.

She looked at the Mistress who was now sitting next to her, her hand still in her shoulder letting the Maid blush softly.

"She's a girl....I wouldn't like her like that ....." Mary whispers to herself and started to space out again. Not realising that she spoke her thoughts out loud.

The Mistress brought her hand up to her forehead, alarmed by the rising heat on her face.
"Marilyn. If you're not feeling well, we can talk some other time...did you understand me?"

Receiving a nod from her the Mistress continues. "I want you to write down your explanation on why you were breaking the rules. It might be easier than having to say it out loud."

Again a slow nod. That still left some worries about the well being of the black haired Maid.

The door opened and Aiden came in. "Ju, please don't be to hard on her i just talked to this little red headed girl and she said'" He stopped talking looking at the Maid and his sister right next to her. " she alright?"

The sound of his voice showed concern as well, giving the blonde a warning look. "You really gone so far that they start having a panic attack?"

"It wasn't me Aiden, now help me with it. Bring her to her room and give her some paper to write.
She keeps shaking..."

The black haired Guy picked her up "Damn you sis, you really broke this one..."

"I wasn't doing anyth-" the blonde protested

"Of course not. You just keep putting preasure on them. Giving them rules over rules, letting the Maids spreads Stories over the torture devices in the chambers and shit. One day you'll actualy get one of them to end themselfs If you don't Ssop your fucking additude with rules and obedience!"

With that he left the room, carrying Mary in his Arms. Walking directly to the Maids chambers, hopeing to find her room.
"Come on...can't she put names on these goddamn Doors?"

But with a bit of luck, and the help of some other Maids he finally found the door with the Number 143.

Placing the Girl in her bed. Before getting some paper placing it on the desk. Before sitting down on the couch, wanting to make sure that she goes to sleep and not have an even worse panic attack.

To his releave he could hear her breaths slow down, and her body slowly moving again, as she sat up in her bed looking around the room. As If she couldn't even realise where exactly she was right now.

"Lay back down, doll. Rest a bit longer..."
With that he walked over to the door. "i'll check on you in an hour or so, try to find a way to explain your situation then. Your behavior worries me..."

With that he left the room, leaving back the black haired girl all by herself...

To be continued...

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