Chapter 3: Nights of terror

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Isobel found it easy to sleep that night, but Mary on the other hand couldn't close her eyes. Her ears peaking up at any noises.

And there were many, sometimes she even thinks that something was scratching at the doors, with long sharp claws.

Then in the next moment complete silence, but still shadows seemingly looking at her through the curtains of the giant windows.

Mary felt like eyes of an unreal creature were starring into her soul, wanting to frighten her to death.
But when she looked around she couldn't see anything.

She hugged her blanket tight, wanting it to replace the feeling of laying there alone. Even if no two meters right to her another person was peacefully sleeping.

"I only do that for you father ...." She whispers quietly trying to close her eyes, without the feeling of danger around her killing her.

Monsters could hide everywhere, under her bed, in the wardropes, in the next door to the bathroom....or it could just stand in front of her once she closed her eyes...making herself vulnerable.

Then a sound appeared that made her heart stop, a firm knock on the door. Someone knocked against the door exactly three times, but noone should be up at this time...

The thoughts inside Marys head where fighting, was she going to let her fear get the best of her?, or will she open the door looking at the person....or thing that was outside?

Again it knocked and it seemed more rushed than before. Like the thing outside wanted desperatly to come inside.

The being brave side inside Marys brain won and she quickly opened the door, only to be pushed back in. Before the person quickly closed the door, succesfully lockig out a screaming completly pale Lady, that had her mouth wide open. You could hear her head slam against the door, but it didn't sound like flesh and bones, but more like a sticky squishy gush.

Before Mary could even process what was happening the person that had just pushed her in a few moments ago, hugged her softly.
"Thank you, I was scared that noone will open, and when i saw Lydia I thought it was over with me..."

The only word that came out of Marys still confused brain was "Lydia?"

The person let go of her "Oh yeah you're the new one, Lydia is a former member of the Thornton Family her spirit stayes here after her husband killed her for another woman. From that day on, she started to curse on all women she could find, trying to get them to meet her own fate..."

Marys eyes, finally looked at the girl. Slowly getting her normal thoughts back after what just happened.
So the place really was haunted, great.

"Who are you Marissa or Claire? I saw you two together, but i don't really know which one of you is which..." Mary asked, looking at the girl in front of her. She had shoulder long, bright red hair, and beautiful emerald green eyes. That seemed to shine even in this dark room.

The woman quickly nods, rubbing her neck a bit ashamed "Oh right, how rude I haven't even introduced myself yet. I'm Claire. I'm from the room down the hall. Your name was Marilyn right?"

The black haired girl nodded "Yes, but please call me Mary, I like it more..."

The red head smiled brightly, no sign of fear even  when she was about to die just moments ago "Fine i'll call you Mary then!"

"Why are you even out here...I thought we weren't allowed outside our rooms past curfew, Isobel made that very clear to me..." Mary looked at the smiling Girl confused by her constant happiness.

"Well Marissa, talks in her sleep and I can't stand another night hearing her 'Please Mistress' or 'Take me' so i hoped I could sleep the night in your room. Usually I slept here when the bed was still empty...but i kinda forgot that you arrived today so..." Again Claire looked down a bit ashamed.

"No its fine, the beds are big, you can stay" Mary replied not getting more into Marissa's sleeptalking....

"Oh the bed~ I was talking about the sofa, but i won't refuse that offer" with that Claire quickly jumped into Marys bed, cuddling into the blanket.

Mary looked at her, feeling her cheeks heating up at the thought of sleeping in the same bed with a women. But she quickly shook her head, at least she didn't had to sleep alone then.

So she made her way into the bed as well, laying down next to the red headed Maid, who was giving her a teasing smirk. "First time sleeping in a bed with a woman?~"

Mary didn't even reply and instead turned into the other direction, pouting. "Just go to sleep already, or I won't open the door next time"

That comment only earned a giggle "Oh~ hit a nerve there...don't worry, kitten i'm just teasing. Have a good sleep" with that Claire layed and arm around Mary and cuddles into her back. Quickly falling asleep.

And with the comfort of the hug, Mary couldn't resist sleeping any longer as well. As her eyelids grew heavy. And even even the noises from the floor didn't bother her anymore. She fell onto a deep sleep.

Dreaming of her home, and the next day. She had a mission and now she had to complete it...

To be continued...

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