Chapter 4: Uniform

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Waking up to the softening hug from Claire was suprisingly comfortable, the clock showed 6 am and all the scratching and shadows from the night we're gone.

When Mary opened one eye, she could see that Isobel was already in her uniform, brushing her hair.

Claire was getting dressed now as well, and the only one who was still in bed was Mary, she layed there in her black nightgown, messy hair and a tired expression on her face.

But that wasn't the problem..."Isobel...where do i get my uniform from?..."

The two Maids looked at Mary, their expression slightly pityful..."The Mistress didn't give you one yet? She usually gives them out the day, that the Maid arrives..."

Mary looks at them and shakes her head "...she didn't give me one yet. What should I do now?"

"Ask her to give you one." Claire replyed.

"She can't..." Isobel started "You know Juliet, she does not want to be woke up before 8 am to breakfast. Mary might get in trouble for breaking a rule like that..."

Claire looked down, thoughtful "you're right...we can't risk her getting on the Ladys bad side the second day she arrived here..."

"Do you have a spare uniform by any chance?" Mary asked, looking at Claire. She seemed to be more her bodytype that Isobel, who was a bit to short.

"Sadly no... everyone gets a perfect fit, and only one uniform per month. The old ones get sewn new to either fit the next person, or to get stuffed with padding for the winter."

All girls went slients, thinking about a solution on how to get a new maid uniform for Mary. Without waking the Mistress and possibly anger her.

"Can't we just take some clothes out of the room ourselfs?" Claire asked, looking at Isobel who had a worried expression on her face.

"You mean, we'll go to the Mistress's private chambers and just take the uniform?" Isobel asked the red head an 'are you crazy?!'-expression on her face.

"Do you have a better Idea? We can't allow her to work in her normal clothes, its against rule 36..."

Marys ears peaked up again "Rule 36?...there were less rules on the sheet the Mistress handed to me."

Claire walked over to her and gently lays a hand on her shoulder, before giggles softly "That are only the main rules for everyone in the castle. For the Maids in different ranks they have different rule books.
Maids at a higher rank like headmaid or chambermaid, are allowed to do more than the maids that are just working in the kitchen or are here to clean and wash."

Isobel looked at Mary "Did the Mistress forgot to give you that book as well?"

She only nodded her head, wondering why the Mistress would already treat her different that the others, did she knew about her...

"So i'll have to get the book and my uniform, before breakfast is ready, and without waking the Mistress?" Mary made sure that she understand the mission she was now on.

"Wrong kitten!" Claire smiled at her "We are going to get your uniform and book. I'll not risk you getting caught on your first break in into the Ladys chambers~"

"My first? They will be more?" Mary asked confused on why she would break into these chambers more than once.

"Of course, Marissa and me going there daily, we even have keys. The Lady...requires some... 'company' from time to time, you know " The smirk on the red heads face gave away, what type of company they were talking about.

But Mary couldn't care less about what exactly went on behind closed bedroom doors. She had to get her uniform that was the higher priority right now.

So she and Claire made their way through the long halls to the Ladys chambers. Much to the dislike of Isobel, who found the Idea terrible and the risk of getting caught to high.

The two girls quickly ran through the halls, already breaking one of the rules the Mistress put up. But they had to be quick, getting into the chambers, finding the fitting uniform and getting out of there back to their rooms just in time was a difficult task.

"Nearly there, we have to be quiet now..." Claire warned, slowly taking the key out carefully opening the giant doors, that stood between them and the Mistress's bedroom.

Mary held her breath, excited and scared of what they were about to do.

She quickly followed Claire into the room, once the door was open just enough to slip through.

The red headed Maid, quickly walked past the bed, in which the sleeping Countess slept, over to a smaller door. Mary followed careful not to make a sound while passing the bed.

Claire already opened the door, waiting for Mary to follow her into the small room, which was filled with uniforms and gowns. All neatly hung up in rows, numbered and ordered in color.

A little gasp escaped Marys mouth, when she saw the different variery of uniforms. Some where longer, some where shorter. A few had their buttons on their left side a few in the middle and one had them on the right side.
"That one is for the headmaid" Claire explained in a soft whisper.

While going through the numbers to find the right uniform for Mary.

"What was your room nummer again?" Claire asked looking at Mary, clearly taken back by how much uniforms she had to check without a specific numbers.

"Room 143..." Mary whispered back earning an "Ohh~" from Claire....

"What?" She asked looking at the smirking red head...

To be continued...

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