Chapter 2: Meet the castle

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As they both made their way out of the room, leaving both tea and cookies behind. Marylin used the time, to get a better look at her new Mistress.

Not only did she look like a real life doll, her character appears to be the complete opposite. Its more cold, and direct. Maybe even a bit harsh.

But suprisingly she didn't mind, it fitted her role as a Mistress, she had to take care and order around all her staff, so it only makes sense to be more strict then.

Marilyn wondered how the Mistress would be if it wasn't so stressful, would she be nicer? Because she did gave her one or two little smiles...

Lost in thoughts she didn't even realise where she was heading to. All she did was following that blonde woman in front of her.

A large decorated door appeared, it was pained with drawings of flowers and more. The Mistress stopped in front of it.
"This is the Maid Chamber, i'll show you your roomate. Maids in this castle share a room in pairs, two Maids per room. Seperate beds, seperate wardrobe, all you have to share is the desk and bathroom."

She opened the door with the room number 143, letting Marilyn take a look inside.

It was a rather big room, with soft colors and two big beds, a really large desk and and a sofa. Right next to it two light wood colored wardropes. And finally at the end of the room, another door again worked with detail. It was apparently the bathroom.

"You can step inside its your room now" The Mistress says, gesturing for her to get inside.

Marilyn did what she askes for and stepped inside the room, her suitcase already standing besides one of the large beds, that what already made and had flower bedsheets on it.

She couldn't stop being amazed by the luxurious room she got as a Maid.

To amazed to even notice the other girl in the room. "Uhm...hello?"

Marilyn turned around to be greeted by the same Maid that brought tea and cookies earlier.
She smiled politely and hold her hand out to greet her.
"My name is Isobel, we'll be sharing a room together"

Marilyn shook her hand gently, smiling as well "Nice to meet you, my name is Marilyn but you can call me Mary if you like"

She Mistress that was still standing by the door, cleared her throat getting the attention from both girls.
"I still have work to do, i'll leave you two alone. Isobel please show her around..."
With that the Mistress left, without waiting for an answer.

"Is she always this dismissiv?" Mary asked looking at Isobel a bit unsure if she already angryed the Mistress somehow.

"Juliet? Yeah, she's stressed. Family problems and the Family buissnes... she'll warm up soon, don't worry about it." Isobel smiles softly, patting Marys shoulder softly.

Mary nods and smiles as well, making her way over to her suitcase to unpack only to get stopped by Isobel.
"You can do that later, we only have about an hour left before curfew, I rather show you around in that time."

"Is it already that late?" Mary looks over at a clock that was hanging at the wall between the two beds. It showed 8:03pm
"Alright then let's be quick"

Both girls quickly made their way out of the room, walking to the most important places first.

"Here you can see the kitchen, right next to it is the dinningroom, you can enter it from a door next to the stove"
Isobel explained and quickly walked to their next stop.

"Behind those doors is the library, if you have a break, a day off or just in general freetime, you can use your time to read a book. We are even allowed to borrow the books and read them in our rooms, but they have to be back at sunday evening that same week. Every monday, a list goes around and the books get checked."

Mary onlyooks at her confused "Isn't that a bit much for some books?"

Isobel giggles softly "Its not about the books themselfs, its the secret that lays inside this castle. Some of these books are really old, and are of great value but most important are the information that can be put together if you find the secret messages, in one of the books it a secret key, that the Mistress keeps hidden."

Mary listens quietly and carefully

"Thats why she checks everytime if the key is still there, and since it would be obvious if she only checks specific books she simply does it with all. The library has around 2000 books, so its a lot of work. Sometimes one of her Family members comes over to help her. It must be pretty important if they are willing to make such a fuss about it"
Isobel gets silent for a moment letting Mary process all the new information, she seemed very interested and thoughtful while Isobel told her the story.

"But now let's keep going, i'll show you the Maids chambers again and introduce you to the others"

Mary nods silently following the smaller Maid back to the chambers, while still thinking about that library...

"This is room 204, Claire and Marissa live in here, they are the Mistress's favorite Maids. So they have access to her private chambers."

The went to the next room.

"This is room 156, Helena and Nadia live here....they are ...a bit complicated...but i'm sure you'll be fine..."

"Next we have-"
The clock at the end of the hall, began to gong and all the Maids from the hall quickly made their way into the rooms. So did Isobel while pulling Mary behind her. "Come in, quick. We don't want the headmaid to see us outside..."

"But its only a minute after 9pm..." Mary replied confused by how stressed Isobel seemed of not breaking the curfew.

"Its a order from the Mistress, you better not disobey her...she wants complete obedience from us...or else-"

They made it back into the room, closing the door. "Don't think about it to much, just make sure you get here in time. Some scary things happen at night in this castle...some Maids say they see scary creatured wanderung around the halls and that they can hear screams...followed by a missing Maid the next morning...."

Mary gulped "The Mistress didn't say anything about Monsters here..."

An uneasy giggle from Isobel made her feel even more uncomfortable. "Just don't think about it....try to sleep tomorrow, your new job will start and you better be awake then..."

"I'll try...good night..."

To be continued...

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