Chapter 10: Brother

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that was the gentle sounds that the black haired Maid was woken up by.

She opened her eyes, and saw a strictly looking Isobel looking at her, her Arms crossed in front of her chest.
"You're finally awake, thank god. You've overslept!"

Mary looked at the clock and was completly awake in seconds. It was 7:10 am and she should have been cleaning with Claire over 10 minutes ago.

But instead she wasn't even in her uniform yet, hasn't had breakfast or even brushed her hair or teeth.

"Why didn't you wake me up!?" She asked confused and stressed, quickly putting on her uniform and putting her hair up in a high ponytail.

"I did, but you fell back asleep..." Isobel answered and helped her with buttoning up her dress.

Mary nods and gave Isobel a quick hug before running out the room, meeting Claire and the Mistress In the big hall.

"There she is..." The strict voice of the Mistress halled through the room. And Mary gulped.

She quickly bows down apologizing "I'm sorry Milady. I overslept, it won't happen again I promise!"

"It better not, our guest will be here in-'"

"Hey, Sis" the blonde got interrupted by a tall men, that came through the same door that Mary bursted in moments ago.

"Aiden, how!? Why are you in here. You were supposed to arrived in 20 minutes!" The countess, yelled at him. Annoyed and confused at the same time.

The men only gave her a devilish smirk and a gentle pat on the shoulder. "Oh come on Sis, its borring waiting so long. And i've been here since Yesterday. Ask that little Maiden over there, she bumped into me last night..." The seemingly Brother, of the Mistress said. Pointing at Mary, who was now standig up straight again.

Now able to get a better look at the men, that still had his finger pointed at her.
He was tall, and pretty well trained from what it seemed. With his black hair and dark eyes,  he looked the complete opposite from his sister.

And even the way they dress couldn't be more different. The Mistress wearing, formal, light dresses and a clean hairstyle, and her Brother a dark pair of pants, and an open west with nothing underneith.
Making Mary look away, from his exposed chest, and stomach that were formed into a rather defined sixpack.

"You were out last night?" The blonde asked looking at Mary stricly. "Do you care about any of the rules I gave you?"
The tone of the Mistress got angryer by every passing second, and Mary only looked down ashamed.

She was right, so far all Mary did was breaking the Rules...

"Come on Ju, don't be so harsh. You're rules are Shit. Be glad that these women even care to work for you" the black haired Guy, tryed to calm the situation.

"Its my house, Aiden! They follow my rules." The blonde only yelled back, turning her back to the still ashamed looking Maiden.

"Well then..." Her Brother walked over to Mary "If you don't want to be nice to them. I will... especialy If they are that good looking."

With a gentle smirk he bend down to take Marys hand, pulling her in a bit. "Hello Darling, if you haven't heard my sisters yelling yet. I'm Aiden. Don't think about her attitude so much, she has nothing else in life than to yell at people"


"See?" Aiden, chuckled. Looking over at his pouting sister.

"Stop flirting with my Maid, and start unpacking your stuff already!" The blonde still yelled at him.

"Flirting? Oh sis, i'm not flirting. This would be flirting ~" with a smirk on his lips, he took Marys face in his fingers holding her chin up to look at him. "You still didn't told me your name beautiful, I need to know whos name to think about tonight ~"

"You're unbelivable Aiden!" The Mistress finally says and walks out the room, furious.

After hearing the door shut, Aiden let go of Mary and started laughing. "Sorry Dollface, I didn't mean to get so close. I just love annoying my sister."

Mary looks at him, still a bit confused about this while situation. "I-its fine...I think " she whispers under her breath before speaking up. "I'm Marilyn...but most people here call me Mary"

"Mary huh? Also enjoying to annoy my sister? From what i've heard Moments ago you're a real trouble maker" he chuckled again. Letting is whole character appear more playful than teasing.

But Mary quickly spoke up "its not on purpose....some things just happened...I'm not trying to cause so much trouble."

Aiden only looks down at her, raising a brow. "Belive me, once you know my sister better you'll spend all day thinking about how to annoy her best. She's a real Brat sometimes..."

He looks up and sighs, letting his face relax into a very soft smile. "But she's lovely, if you get on her good Side....she would die for the people she loves, and kill the ones she doesn't. So watch out"

With that he turned around, waving back at her. "I'll go unpack now, was nice meeting you Mary. I'm sure we'll see each other more often from now on."

A few Moments later she heard the door close, only now realising that Claire was in the room with them the whole time.

But instead of leaving a cheeky comment, she just smiled at Mary and both started their work. Until....

"Mary, the Mistress wants to talk to you...its about last night..." Isobel informed.

Claire and Mary looked at each other, and both knew that this probably end badly.

"Just tell her the truth..." Claire said quietly, hopeing that Mary still heard her.

Mary only nods, as she leaves the door. Walking past Isobel, to the way to familiar looking doors, that parted the halls, from the Mistress's Chambers.

With a slight gulp, Mary stepped inside

To be continued....

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