Chapter 5: Caught

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The red head keept smirking "nothing, kitten. But if I were you i'd start learning the numbers codes from the early 1900s from Minot's Ledge lighthouse off the coast of Cohasset, Massachusetts."

Mary couldn't hide how confused she was but didn't bother that much either.
Instead she started in a different corner of the room, to search for her number and hopefully find her uniform.

"How much time do we have left?" She asked a bit stressed. After finding out that the dresses weren't in a specific or at least not in a obvious order.

"About half an hour, then we have to get back to make it in time. Don't worry we'll find it until then." Claire explained, sounding pretty relaxed for breaking several rules, for someone else.

Both girls looked around the whole room, finding both number 144 and 142 but not the desperatly searched for Number 143.

"Its hopeless, we need to get out of here in about 4 minutes. I'll just grab one, and go, okay?" Mary looked at Claire who slowly started to get stressed as well.

"Fine, but be quick, the Maid that is supposed to wake Mistress up is probably already on her way here!"

Mary looked at the different uniforms, but instead of taking one, she took Claires hand and ran out of the room down the halls.
Just in time, before the Maid that already made their way to the Mistress's chambers could see them.

Both girls breathed heavily trying to catch their breath before Claire let out an uncharacteristic outburst "What the hell was that!? Why didn't you took one!? We nearly got caught for nothing!"

Isobel who seemed to have heard the yelling came out of the room. "Why are you yelling, the other Maids will hear you. Get dressed and ready to work..."

Then she looked at Mary confused "didn't you just came back from getting a uniform? Where is it?"

Claire seemed to get even louder "thats what i'm yelling for, she went without one! We did everything for nothing!"

Mary only looked down at the ground quietly.

"Stop yelling Claire you're only making her feel bad. I'm sure she had her reasons..." The curvy Maid scolded the taller girl.
"Let's just get to work"

Claire turned around angry and went to work.

Isobel softly rubbed Marys back before bringing her into the kitchen.
"Your job is serving the food today. Just take the plate and place it on the big table, then you bow and stand next to the other Maids on the wall."

"No talking unless you get talked to, got it Mary?"

She nodded putting her hair up in a ponytail, before carrying the first plate out to her already sitting Mistress.

Several Maids and Claire were standing at the wall.

Some seemed suprised by the fact that Mary didn't wore her uniform. Others giggles behind their hands.
Claire tho, seemed to be still mad and looked into a different direction.

In the meantime Mary tryed to ignore the starring of everyone and simply placed down the food in front of the Mistress, that gave her a rather testing look.

She looked at her outfit raising an eyebrow, before announcing loud enough for everyone to hear. "Stay after dinner Marilyn, I think i'll have to talk to you about something.."

Mary nodded listening to Isobels instructions not saying anything back.
While bowing and making her way to the other Maids.

Two girls giggled gleefully as Mary passed, them.

"You too Claire." The voice of the Mistress could be heard again, in a demanding tone. Letting the Maids to get quiet very quickly.

Mary peaked over to Claire and could see the fear written all over her face.
Was the Mistress really that bad?

Time went by and the Mistress finished her breakfast letting her plate get carried away by two Maids.

All the other Maids helped cleaning and left shortly after.

All Maids expect Mary and Claire.

"Sit down." The Mistress demanded.
And both girls quickly followed her demand.

"Would one of you two please explain why you thought it was a good idea to break into my chamber?"
The cold stare of the Mistress made Claire keep her head down, her hands were shaking and her breath hitched.

Mary saw that and took it in her own hand. "It was my fault Milady."

Both woman looked suprised at the black haired girl. Claire whispering a small "what are you doing?"

But Mary continued. "I didn't got my maid uniform yesterday, and I needed to get one before being allowed to work. I asked Claire for help, and out of kindness she agreed.
I didn't want her to get in trouble, Milady. Its my fault ..."

Tears built up in Claires eyes as Mary took it all on herself, even after her outburst earlier. But she still didn't want her to be the only one that gets punished.
"Thats not the full truth, it was my idea to get the uniform out of your room. Mary only followed and-"

"Both of you be quiet." The Mistress warned. "I'm not here to punish you. It was my own mistake of not giving Mary her uniform yesterday. And I'm thankful that you tryed to follow the rules."

Both Girls breath out releaved until the Mistress raised her voice again.
"But its unacceptable that you got into my private chambers without permision. That you put the dresses in the wrong order and ran around the halls against my liking!"

"Both of you have washing duty for the next week, and i'll hope that you'll behave better next time. Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes, Mistress " both girls replied at the same time.

"Then go now, and start you duty. Marilyn you'll come with me, i'll give you your uniform"

Claire nodded and went out the room. Mary and her Mistress stayed for now waiting until the door was closed.

"Now..." The Mistress started talking again. "I still wanted to ask you something..."

To be continued....

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