A monkey

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Last time in I was reborn in attack and titan as a bender

I hug her before sofly whispering in her hears"How was your day"

I don't why but today I felt a lot more flirtier than usual.
Even if I see it alot, Seing Mikasa in casual clothes is always a very pretty sight to see.

We chatted happily and are the food that they made, it was great and I did crack a few jokes, seeing them laugh and smile make my heart beat faster.

It give make my brain release so much dopamine, I feel so accomplish each time.
The house was only filled laughter and the voice of three people talking.

After eating, we cleaned our dishes, we took a bath and went to bed, the only thing in my mind before I went to sleep was that this was heaven for me.

I don't want anything more, sleeping and between them and feeling their body warmth around me.
I felt asleep pretty quickly after closed the light, I was not going to change this for anything in this world.

Now we continue where we left off

I woke the next day feeling completely rejuvenated, I was full of energy once again and so I woke, cleaned myself and made breakfast.

I ate with them before going back to my job and when I got there Erwin and Levi were there which meant something serious had happened. (A/N you not getting a break)

I could smell the trouble coming towards me, Fate seemed to not like when I was having a peaceful life. (A/N yes fate)

I greeted them before sitting down on a chair and listening to what they had to say.
"there might be a hole in wall Maria" Erwin said seriously
"What your proof and what lead you to believe this, "I said hopping this was not the truth.

"Titan has been sighted somewhere inside Wall Maria, more precisely in a village named Ragako" Erwin added.

"is there anyone in the village"I added already having an idea of who did that.
"No civilians were found"He added.
"It's definitely the Beast Titan," I said feeling a bit annoyed with Titan shifter giving me more work.

It was easy to guess considering all the Info I got from the shifters from Marley, I was honestly tired of Marley Bs.

Can they not let this slide for the love of everything holy, you already broke down our walls twice and killed a lot of people in the walls.

That should be more than enough but they still sent more titans shifters to cause more trouble.
And considering that Reiner told me in a fight with the beast titan he would lose.

I'm not going to risk the lives of so many people and im going to fix it myself.
"I'm going to take of it"I said as I stood up.
"You just trying to get away from your paperwork aren't you," Erwin said seeing right through me.

I ignored his words before I left the room and said"If anyone as for me, tell them that I'm taking care of business"

I left the castle and flew toward the direction of Wall Maria, I knew exactly where that village was and my destination was to get some clue there.

Pov change
Inside a camp.
Somewhere in the wall Maria, there was a camp over in the middle of nowhere, if you looked closely you could tell that the camp was not empty.

There was a weird titan in there and it looked like a quadruped, kind of like the jaw titan, and on its back were a bunch of supplies.

A bunch of people were walking and carrying the supplies around the small camp.

Reborn in attack on Titan as a benderWhere stories live. Discover now