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Solei sat on her sofa reading her book when she was interrupted by a knock on her door. She closes her book and walks to the door. Looking out her peep hole she sees Don. She instantly opens the door with a confused look on her face.

"What are you doing here?.."

"We're going to the beach go get ready." Don says inviting himself in and sitting on the couch.

She stands still holding the door dumbfounded at his actions.

"Are you gonna stand there all day or are you gonna get ready." He looks up from his phone and manspreads.

"Uh oh!" She closes the door and go to put on her bathing suit. After some time she walks out with an olive green colored 2 piece with her cover up in her hand.

"Wheres the rest?" he looks her up and down. Wanting all he see's to himself.

"Boy bye" she laughs waving him off.

As Solei and Don sat at the beach the waves crashed beautifully yet subtly. Admiring her beauty Don puts his hand on hers. She flips her hand and interlock their fingers. Speaking nothing of the action.

"Come on lets go in the water" he says getting up.

"No i cant swim and-"

Before she can get anything else out, she was getting picked up in bridal style getting carried to the water.

As he holds her in the water she pleads for him not to go deeper into the ocean. He laughs at her distress.

"Solei" Don says

She looks directly up at him staring in those brown orbs waiting for him to continue.

He leans in lips getting closer to hers. She closes her eyes and goes in as wel-


Don jumps up out of his sleep and groan realizing it was all just a dream. He gets up and start to get ready for the day pondering on his dream wishing it could've finished.

He's now in his car, on his way to work. The drive was no more than 30 minutes and he sat in silence the whole time not being able to get her off his mind.

Getting out the car he head into the club through the back, so he wouldn't be seen. He is not in the mood today and doesn't feel like being bothered.

Walking into his office, he sees his best friend sitting in his chair. "Yoooo big dawg" Naseem says looking up from his phone. "You missed me"

"Naseem get out" Don says walking towards his desk.

"Damn who pissed in yo cereal" Naseem mugs Don, getting up to sit on the chair on the opposite side.

Don just shakes his head, sitting down opening his MacBook. "We have a meeting for 2:00 at Ace Romano Industry." Naseem say.

"I'm not going" Don says dryly. "I don't know who made you have this grumpy ass mood, but you need to suck it up buttercup because nobody got time for the bullshit" Nassem says sassily like always.

"Get the fuck out" Don chuckles at his foolishness while pointing to the door.

"I'm leaving because I want to leave, not because you told me to" Naseem gets up grabbing his phone and laptop, heading towards the door.

"Be ready by 1" Naseem says leaving out the office. "Mhm whatever" Don mumbles

6:30 am

On the other side of town, Solei is walking out of the hospital, leaving work.

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