Ch.12 The Sports Festival(Pt.2)

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A/N: WHOOO!! I want to thank you all so much for THE 1K READS!! It means a lot to me that there's that many people who somewhat enjoy what I'm writing. I hope you enjoyed these past chapters and the many more coming after this one. Hope you enjoy!!

(P.S): If any of you were looking forward to how I was going to write the Calvary portion of the sports festival, I'm sorry. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't write it in a way that made sense. So, I'm going to skip it. I replaced Nirengeki Shoda with Jakku in the Calvary battle and in extension I'm removing Ibara Shiozaki from the tournament.

"Let's take a look at who our top teams are! In first, Team Todoroki! In second place, Team Bakugo!" 

Bakugo looks displeased to say the least. His team seems aright with it though.

"And In third place, Team Tetsutets- Wait, what? Team Shinso? When did they came back from the dead?"

"And in fourth place, Team Midoriya!"

It was a hard battle, but I made it with Hitoshi Shinso's brainwashed team. He was surprised that I joined his team willingly and even more surprised that I held my own against the top contenders. 

"These four valiant teams will advance to the final round! Now, let's take an hour lunch break before we continue the next festivities! See you soon! Hey, Eraserhead, wanna grab some food?"

Izuku walks to me with a smile, expressing his admiration for my performance. "You were amazing out there, Jakku! Let's grab some food together and celebrate our victory!"

I politely decline Izuku's offer, saying, "Thanks for the offer, but I have to go grab something real quick. Catch up with you later!"

After declining Izuku's offer, I quickly make my way towards a dark corner with no cameras. As I reach it, I grab my backpack and check to make sure everything is working properly. Once satisfied, I swiftly sling it over my shoulder, feeling the weight of it resting against me. With a determined gaze, I leave the corner and get ready for the next event.

A few minutes later...

"Get those foam fingers in the air! It's almost time for the last round! But before that, good news for everyone who didn't make the finals! Since this is a Sports Festival, we've prepared some pretty fun side games everyone can participate in! We've brought cheerleaders to get your blood pumping! Hold up! It looks like class 1-A is going full on fan service!"

"I can't believe it." I hear Kirishima say.

"Have fun competing in these little side games, everyone! After they're over, the 16 students on the board will be duking it out in a 1 on 1 style tournament competition! I promise you're not gonna want to miss these epic matchups! The 16 finalists have the option to participate in those activities or sitting out to prepare for battle. I'm sure you all want to conserve your stamina. I'll start with the first place team!"

"Um, excuse me." Ojiro raised his hand. "Sorry, but I'm withdrawing."

The class looked surprised.

"Ojiro? No way!" one of my classmates say.

"But this is a rare chance for you to get scouted."

"Everyone just wait a second." I spoke up, trying to calm down the situation. "Why are you doing this?" I ask

"I barely remember anything from the cavalry battle until the very end of it. And I think it was that guy's quirk." He points to Shinso, who only gives a sinister smile.

Shadows of Hope| A MHA/BNHA OC StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon