[S2]Ch.10: Symbols

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Today, the class was talking about our trip to the usj like it was fun until Lida interrupted them saying, "Homeroom class is about to begin! Everyone stop talking and take your seats!"

"Um, we're all sitting." Kirishima said.

"Yeah, you're the only one standing." Sero adds.

Iida walked to his desk and sat down and said in frustration, "Dang it..."

"Don't sweat it. " Uraraka comforted him.

After that, the classroom door opened up, revealing Aizawa, who looked a little worse for wear "Good morning class.." He spoke up with his signature nonchalant tone.

"Mr. Aizawa! What are you doing here?!" The class said in surprise.

Lida raised his arm. "Mr. Aizawa, I'm glad you're ok!"

Uraka says to Iida, "You call that ok?"

"My well-being isn't relevant." Aizawa then walked to the front of the class. "What's more important is that your fight isn't over yet."

That statement caught everyone by surprise.

"The U.A. Sports Festival is about to start."

"Yes!" Kirishima was hyped.

After a few minutes of questions and explanations, it was around time for lunch, and everyone in my class was in separate groups.

Izuku says to me and the group, "This is gonna be nuts, everyone's so exited."

While flaying around his arms, Iida says, "Well, yeah of course we are. We enrolled in this school with the sole aim to become heroes!"

"Wow Iida, those are some interesting moves." Tsuyu comments.

I then nudge Izuku and say to him, "Aren't you exited too?"

"Well yeah, of course I am! I'm also nervous."

I then glance at the side to see Ochako with a glare I have never seen before and I don't want to interact with that, so I pat Izuku on the back and say, "Good luck." Then I walk away, and leave the classroom.

"With what?" He turns around and is surprised to not see me behind him.

Ochaco then says to the group in an intimidating voice, "Let's do our best in the sports festival, Okay?!"

Later, at lunch...

I see Izuku standing still, Lida clapping, and Ochaco talking, so I walk up to Izuku and whisper,"What's all this commotion about?"

Startled by my sudden appearance and question, Izuku jumps in surprise. "Oh, sorry! I didn't see you there," he stammers. "Ochaco was just talking about why she wanted to be a pro-hero," he explains.

I nod, understanding Izuku's explanation. "That's great to hear," I reply. "I'm sure she'll do great in the sports festival." Izuku nods in agreement, grateful for my support.

We then all hear an all too familiar laugh behind us.


"All Might, what are you doing here?" Izuku responds

"Lunch," I deadpan.

"WHAT HE SAID! You wanna eat with me?"

He agrees, and I wave goodbye to Izuku, but All Might stops me, saying, "I want you to come with us."

I agree, and we all walk to the lounge, where I see something I never would have thought would be true.

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