Ch.2: Payback

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Six years and two months later...

In the darkness of an alleyway, as the moonlight barely illuminated the scene, I emerged as a feared vigilante known as Payback.

 I am cloaked in black, with my face obscured by a mask. I approach a mugging in progress, and with calculated precision, I swiftly incapacitate the mugger with expertly trained moves and leave the scene just as quickly. The pain and anger that had consumed me for years had finally found an outlet in my pursuit of justice over the last two years.

Over that time, I wish I could say I was making a difference, but I don't know. Murder, robberies, and assault—they're all up. Even with the heroes. Maybe this city can't be saved, but I have to try.

All of a sudden, I heard explosions on a street a few blocks ahead.

I ran in the direction of the blasts, jumping from rooftop to rooftop until I arrived at the scene of another villain attack, this time a slime, green sludge villain. The villain had already set fire and destroyed a couple of buildings. 

The pro heroes in the scene were having trouble fighting the villain; none of them had the right quirk for the job. Even the newest hero, Mt. Lady, could not even get near the villain; she needed at least a two lane road to move closer. I then saw someone in the middle of the villain. and then I saw the spiked blonde hair; it was Bakugo! The resident jerk of my junior high 

Despite that, I couldn't just stand by and watch Bakugo get hurt; he's still a person, and it's my duty to save him.

 I then saw a short, skinny, green haired kid running towards the sludge villain. I knew that kid; it was Izuku, my best friend! Izuku threw his backpack at the villain; his school supplies blinded the villain, just enough so Midoriya could reach for Bakugo. "What the hell are you doing here?" Bakugo angrily asked. 

"I don't know! My legs, they just started moving!" Midoriya said as he desperately tried to free Bakugo, but the villain's slime body made it impossible. 

"Out of my way!" The villain was about to attack Midoriya , but just as he raised his sludge-covered arm, I quickly went for my homemade sonic grenades. With a confident smirk, I threw the grenades inside the villain, causing a deafening explosion. The villain shrieked in pain as the sonic waves ripped through his body, causing him to explode in a burst of slime and debris.

The force of the explosion created a grotesque and chaotic scene. Seconds after the blast, as the dust and slime began to settle, Bakugo and Izuku caught a glimpse of me swiftly disappearing into the shadows.

Heroes and police started to chase me as I weaved through the rooftops, my heart pounding with adrenaline. The sound of sirens echoed in the distance, growing louder with each passing second. 

Determined to escape, I reached into my belt and pulled out my homemade grapple gun. With a swift motion, I aimed it towards the tallest building and fired. 

The grappling hook shot out and latched onto a ledge, allowing me to quickly ascend to the rooftops. As I leaped from one building to another, the wind whipping through my hair, I could feel the pursuit closing in. But I wouldn't give up easily; I had a plan to disappear into the night and leave them all behind.

But as I landed on the next rooftop, there he was—Eraserhead, waiting for me. His stoic expression and unwavering gaze sent a shiver down my spine. 

I knew he was a formidable foe, but I couldn't let that stop me. As we locked eyes, Eraserhead's voice echoed through the night, saying, "Your recklessness ends here. Surrender now or face the consequences."

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