Ch.9: New Costume, New Motivation

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I see Izuku, my closest friend and the closest thing I have to family, fighting with all his might against a powerful villain. I watch in horror as Izuku's body weakens and his eyes fill with desperation. I try to intervene, but something holds me back, preventing me from saving him. As the dream unfolds, I see Izuku giving his all, refusing to give up even as his strength wanes.

The villain's attacks become more relentless, and I can feel the weight of guilt pressing down on me. In my heart, I desperately want to save Izuku, but no matter how hard I try, my efforts are futile. 

And then, in a heartbreaking moment, Izuku looks at me with tear-filled eyes and asks, "Why couldn't you save me?"

In a daze, I blink and find myself in a familiar alleyway, surrounded by dimly lit buildings. My heart skips a beat as I recognize the figures standing before me; they're my parents. Their faces are worn with worry and desperation. They call out to me, their voices filled with urgency and fear.

Confusion fills my mind, but instinctively I rush towards them, ready to offer help. Yet, just as I extend my hand, an invisible force yanks me back, holding me in place. Panic courses through my veins as I struggle against this invisible barrier, desperate to reach my parents. In the midst of my struggle, a deafening sound echoes through the air, numbing my senses.

The dimly lit buildings around us tremble as gunshots pierce the silence. Time seems to slow down as I watch in horror as my parents collapse to the ground. 

The agony in their eyes mirrors my own as they whisper to me, "Why couldn't you save us?"

I wake up in the hospital in a cold sweat, my heart pounding in my chest. As I try to catch my breath and calm myself down, I hear a soft knock on the door. Turning my head, I see Izuku and Inko standing there, concern etched on their faces. "Are you okay?" Izuku asks, his voice filled with worry.

Inko reaches out and places a comforting hand on my shoulder, her eyes full of motherly love.

"I couldn't save them," I mumble, my voice barely above a whisper.

Izuku and Inko exchange a glance before stepping closer to me, their presence offering solace."It wasn't your fault," Inko reassures me with a gentle voice. "You were just a kid."

But their words fail to erase the haunting dream of those desperate eyes

I then thank them and the doctor and get out of the hospital bed, feeling a renewed sense of purpose.

"Izuku, Inko, I'll see you both tonight, I have to do something that could take a while." I walk out of the hospital room.

The previous day's events have made me realize the importance of being prepared and ensuring my safety, and I am determined to make the necessary improvements to my costume.

As I walk outside, I think about how I failed to protect my classmates, and the guilt weighs heavily on me. I vow to never let someone else suffer because of my lack of preparation again.

With a renewed sense of determination, I sit down on a bench outside and begin planning out my new suit.

I add the basic form of the pistons from the exoframe suit to the arms of the costume.

Next, I carefully sketch out the design for the goggles with a heads-up display. I ensure that the goggles have enhanced vision capabilities for better situational awareness by adding night vision and a detective vision, which would have two modes.

One would be useful in combat as it would show any and every person with a pulse, even through walls. Unarmed people would be in blue, people with weapons in orange, and medics in white.

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