Queen bee

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(At the home of blitza, lonna, and John blitza is getting dressed to go with moxie and millie went to celebrate their anniversary while blitza is dressed she shoe what she look like to John while loona is texting)

Bliza: well how do I look cutie pie?

John: Great mom.

Blitza: aw thank you you just what to say to make me feel nice. Now loona make sure to watch your little brother and put him to bed by 9:00 and no sweets before bed and make sure you give him his plushie.

Loona: got it.

(She then left as John then goes to watch T.V. And put on the only kid show in hell)

(Loona texting)

Tex: hey loona you want to come to a part my girlfriend is throwing.

Loona: I like to but I'm babysitting my little brother.

Tex: aw that puppy is their well why don't you bring him.

Loona: really?

Tex: yeah come my girlfriend would love to see him I've bin telling her how cute he is.

Loona: well aren't those party's more for adults and have drink and fucking?

Tex: don't worry with us we're make sure he doesn't. So what you say?

Loona: ok.

(Outside of the texting)

Loona: hey little pup how would you like to go to a party.

John: (gasp) a part I love to go to a party I love to go.

Loona: ok let me change and I'll call someone to pick us up.

(Loona puts on a red dress and we hop into a car and we head off till we see a big house that looks like a bee hive)

Driver: (offscreen) You want me to drop you off here?

Loona: Yeah, this looks right. I, uh... haven't been here before.

John: This place look like fun.

(Loona and John steps out of the vehicle as the car drives off. And John is bouncing and can't wait to go in. Loona looks down at her phone and texts Tex)

Loona: (over text) Hey, I'm here and I brought John.

(John is about to run in but loona pull him back)

Loona: ok John a few rules no drinking anything without my say so and don't leave my side and if you get lost just find your way outside and I'll find you.

John: Ok sis.

Vortex: *waves hand* Little pup Loo-naaa!

John: Tex.

(John runs up to hug her and she then picks him up with one arm)

Vortex: Hey, kid! Glad you could make it! You to loona.

Loona: Yeah Thanks for inviting me. And letting me bring John

(The three walk into the mansion, where the party is taking place)

Vortex: Hey, everyone! Meet the new faces and the cute pup in hell!

(Vortex howls in excitement, prompting everyone else to do the same)

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