The Harvest Moon

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(We open with the gang in the imp van with John asleep in the back and heading to worth and go to the Rough n' Tumbleweed Ranch)

Millie: Mama! Daddy!

(Millie gets out of the van and happily runs toward her parents. Her father hugs her and spins her around before placing her down)

Joe: Yeeeee-hawwww! How's my deadly little pumpkin spice doing?

(Joe ruffles Millie's hair affectionately)

Millie: I'm good, Pa! Thanks for lettin' us stay here for the harvest jamboree.

Lin: It's no trouble. We know you aren't making as much anymore since y'all went "freelance".

Millie: Freelance pays fine, Ma! We're doin' fiiiiine! [serious] It's fine.

(Millie walks over to Foxy, who is struggling to carry luggage)

Millie: Anyway, y'all remember my wife foxy?

(Millie shoves a nervous Foxy in front of her parents. They stare at him in disapproval)

Joe: Hmph.

Foxy: Greetings, Lin! Joe! How have you been, uh, with all the... flaming twisters and stuff around here?

(nervously holds out her hand)

Joe: We lost our old farm hand to one of them terrors last week.

Foxy: (laughs nervously) Oh, crumbs. My bad! I am so sorry. I- I didn't mean to open that wound... sir.

Millie: Oh yeah! Y'all haven't met my boss Blitza! And her hellhound!

Loona: I'm not just her hellhound.

Blitza: Yeah, she's my daughter! (pulls Loona to her side)

Loona: Only on paper.

Millie: And we also have the most cutest hellhound we have wait where is he?

Loona: he's in the back sleeping.

(Millie then goes to the back and wake him up and John hopes right out and stretches his back)

Millie: Ma. Pa. I like you to meet are hellhound that where taking care of.

John: hello it nice to meet you.

Lin: aw well he is a cutie.

(Lin bends down and pinches his cheeks)

Joe: Um I guess then where grandparents now.

John: cool.

(Blitza walks over to Millie's parents to introduce herself)

Blitza: It's a pleasure to finally meet the sperm and egg factory that popped out this little gem of an assassin. You two raised a sturdy bitch!

Joe: (chuckles) That we did! So... Blitza, is it? Heh heh. That's a fine name.

(Blitza and Joe shake hands)

Lin: It reminds me of war.

Joe: (happily) Nothing like a little war to make a strong man! Like you're pup here that could use more muscle.

Blitza: I like you people.

Foxy: Y'know. more battles were won by technological advances in warfare. I've researched the history of weaponry extensively, and it's inspiring how... for example, the progression of guns utilizing angelic technology has changed the landscape of Hell's combative..

(Millie makes a "cut it out" motion with her hands. Joe crosses his arms and John is yawning)

Foxy: I mean. War fun!

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